φ: \ poems \ poem threads & special forms


  1. Syllogies see also: graphical list
  2. Sonnets see also: graphical list
  3. Poem Threads
    1. Ennealogy
    2. Dialysis
    3. Apocope
    4. Metastasis
    5. Daimonia
    6. Textus
    7. Tetralogy I
    8. Tetralogy II
    9. Broken News
    10. Happiness and Misery
    11. Within and Without
    12. An Ordinary Life
    13. Dialling Phone Numbers of Dead People
    14. Dôdecalogy: Dreams of War and Peace



Poem Series Listings - Legend

Poem Series Listings - Legend

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1. Syllogies
"Word Symphonies": larger & key poems

see also: graphical list of syllogies

The Syllogies (as an analogy to the word "symphony", yet not composed of sounds, phônai, but of words, logoi) are the larger poems. They are the huge structures which provide for some more space and more freedom to develop a theme. The Syllogies carry the general story line forward, they are the key poems. Without them, the smaller ones would not be able to stand on their own. They are supposed to draw the current themes from their preceding smaller poems, to develop them further and elevate the following to the next level, they are the amplifiers that keep the entire machinery going.

Poem Books Legend:

  1. Life As We Know It. Poems, 2001-2019.
  2. Daimonia. Poems, 1997-2001.
  3. Tetralogy I: An Evolutionary Journey in Four Parts. Poems, 2004-2008.
  4. Chaos kai Nomos: Chaos and Order. Poems, 1999-2020.


7 Syllogies, 2021-...
# Y.#Group Series Book Title DateLength
81233.12G25 Yoga  योग S5 Revolutions 23 05/27/23...
80032.29G25 Yoga  योग S4 Confluences 7 12/31/2314585
79332.22G25 Yoga  योग S3 Continuities 21 11/17/22568
77732.06G25 Yoga  योग S3 Continuities 5 07/20/22547
77232.01G25 Yoga  योग S2 Disruptions 22 03/26/22899
75031.01G25 Yoga  योग S1 Connexions 22 02/28/211188
73430.06G25 Yoga  योग S1 Connexions 6 04/08/20592

7 Syllogies, 2010-2024
# Y.#Group Series Book Title DateLength
72829.33G24 Samsara  संसर S4 Turnaround 33 01/14/202095
70029.05G24 Samsara  संसर S4 Turnaround 5 12/29/18537
69528.11G24 Samsara  संसर S3 Negations 22 12/29/18321
62824.04G23 Dharma  धर्मः S5 Dissolutns. 27 12/31/248568
60022.22G23 Dharma  मनस् S4 Manifestns. 12 12/30/182911
53921.02G23 Dharma  धर्मः S2 Advances 38 01/20/11793
50020.38G23 Dharma  धर्मः S1 Realizations 19 05/23/101369

9 Syllogies, 2005-2010
# Y.#Group Series Book Title DateLength
48120.19G22 Manas  मनस् S4 Entrenchm. 20 03/29/10657
46119.22G22 Manas  मनस् S3 Transcend. 31 08/04/148513
43018.27G22 Manas  मनस् S2 Permutat. 31 12/31/096729
40017.36G22 Manas  मनस् S1 Transubst. 33 08/03/08 1264
36517.01G21 Vidyaa  विढ्या S5 Reality 11 12/31/07 15600
36416.36G21 Vidyaa  विढ्या S4 Transmigr. 13 07/28/08 8247
33816.10G21 Vidyaa  विढ्या S3 Parapetti 5 06/07/06 1330
32916.01G21 Vidyaa  विढ्या S2 Transloc. 9 11/24/06 8139
32815.29G21 Vidyaa  विढ्या S1 Transfigur. 13 12/31/05 1608

7 Syllogies, 2002-2006
# Y.#Group Series Book Title DateLength
31515.16G20 Atman  आत्मन् S3 Moments 15 02/04/06 6286
30015.01G20 Atman  आत्मन् S1 Prospects 25 04/22/06 2822
27514.33G20 Atman  आत्मन् S1 Reminders 23 05/05/05 12365
25214.10G19 Pranah  प्रणः S4 Renascence 13 08/29/04 436
24314.01G19 Pranah  प्रणः S3 Links 29 08/12/04 20383
20913.09G19 Pranah  प्रणः S2 Battlefields 9 09/04/03 10774
20012.23G19 Pranah  प्रणः S1 Encounters 3 12/31/02 10334

18 Syllogies, 1999-2002
# Y.#Group Series Book Title DateLength
19912.22G18 Dimissio S5 Backlash 4 08/31/02 3700
19812.21G18 Dimissio S4 Remains 7 08/30/02 1414
19412.17G18 Dimissio S3 Chimera 4 07/31/02 1836
18712.10G18 Dimissio S2 Wager 6 03/17/02 793
18112.04G18 Dimissio S1 Intake 3 02/14/02 1261
18012.03G17 Meditatio S3 Redefinition 8 01/29/02 1647
16911.24G17 Meditatio S2 Definition 8 12/31/01 3043
15711.12G17 Meditatio S1 Xynthesis 1 -open- ---
15611.11G16 Locutio S3 Miens 3 09/08/01 1200
15411.09G16 Locutio S2 Dreamscapes 3 06/19/01 4449
15011.05G16 Locutio S1 Initiations 5 05/02/01 4087
14510.32G15 Obfuscatio S3 Declinatio 3 12/31/00 1137
13510.22G15 Obfuscatio S2 Inclinatio 4 12/27/00 1232
13010.17G15 Obfuscatio S1 Haesitatio 3 12/27/00 3130
12410.11G14 Fluctuatio S3 Quagmires 3 09/18/00 10180
11410.01G13 Circumscr. S3 Expiatio 3 01/20/00 4695
104 9.14G13 Circumscr. S2 Exitium 3 07/13/99 1100
100 9.10G13 Circumscr. S1 Exuberatio 3 09/11/99 3527

2 Syllogies, 1997
# Y.#Group Series Book Title DateLength
79 7.41G09 Rogatio S2 Versatio 2 12/22/97 2541
75 7.37G09 Rogatio S2 Versatio 1 10/05/97 1819

1 Syllogy, 1991/96
# Y.#Group Series Book Title DateLength
3 1.03G01 Progressio S2 Evolutionen 2 10/17/91/

2. Sonnets

see also: graphical list of sonnets

# Y.#Group Series Book Title DateLength
83734.13G26 Nirvana  निर्वाण S1 Salvations 1 11/25/24102
83034.06G25 Yoga  योग S5 Revolutions 16 04/22/24118
82033.20G25 Yoga  योग S5 Revolutions 6 12/09/23126
81533.15G25 Yoga  योग S5 Revolutions 1 10/27/23131
80933.09G25 Yoga  योग S4 Confluences 16 04/23/23140
80833.08G25 Yoga  योग S4 Confluences 15 04/11/23125
79432.23G25 Yoga  योग S4 Confluences 1 11/18/22128
79132.20G25 Yoga  योग S3 Continuities 19 11/01/22124
79032.19G25 Yoga  योग S3 Continuities 18 10/30/22121
78932.18G25 Yoga  योग S3 Continuities 17 10/29/22122
78732.16G25 Yoga  योग S3 Continuities 15 10/10/2290
74330.15G25 Yoga  योग S1 Connexions 15 04/02/20113
73330.05G25 Yoga  योग S1 Connexions 5 04/02/20130
73230.04G25 Yoga  योग S1 Connexions 4 04/03/19129

3. Poem Threads
poems forming a common thread

Some of my poems are also organized in Poem Threads. These are a sub-unit situated within the common frame of Phases, Groups and Categories. The Poem Threads transcend those borders and combine several poems linked together thematically.

(for an introduction, see: Phases, Groups, Series & Threads: Glossary of Structural Terms)

2.1. Ennealogy
(9 poems from Groups 8, 10 and 11)

# Y.#Group Series Book Title DateLength
59 7.21G08 Veritatio S1 Fire 3 05/14/97 859
63 7.25G08 Veritatio S2 Nebulae 3 06/20/97 852
66 7.28G08 Veritatio S3 Light 3 07/21/97 827
77 7.39G10 Disputatio S1 Shapes 3 10/19/97 866
80 7.42G10 Disputatio S2 Assumptns.3 12/29/97 807
72 7.34G10 Disputatio S3 Conclusions 3 08/06/97 832
95 9.05G11 Confessio S1 Views 3 03/20/99 869
11610.03G11 Confessio S2 Words 3 03/20/99 771
14310.30G11 Confessio S3 Fights 3 12/30/00 812

2.2. Dialysis
(9 poems from Groups 13-18)

# Y.#Group Series Book Title DateLength
104 9.14G13 Circumscr. S2 Exitium 3 07/13/99 1100
12410.11G14 Fluctuatio S3 Quagmires 3 09/18/00 10180
13510.22G15 Obfuscatio S2 Inclinatio 4 12/27/00 1232
14510.32G15 Obfuscatio S3 Declinatio 3 12/31/00 1137
15011.05G16 Locutio S1 Initiations 5 05/02/01 4087
15611.11G16 Locutio S3 Miens 3 09/08/01 1200
19412.17G18 Dimissio S3 Chimera 4 07/31/02 1836
19812.21G18 Dimissio S4 Remains 7 08/30/02 1414
19912.22G18 Dimissio S5 Backlash 4 08/31/02 3700

2.3. Apocope
(9 poems from Group 18)

# Y.#Group Series Book Title DateLength
17711.32G18 Dimissio S1 Intake 2 12/15/01 143
18212.05G18 Dimissio S2 Wager 1 02/19/02 121
18312.06G18 Dimissio S2 Wager 2 02/28/02 117
18412.07G18 Dimissio S2 Wager 3 03/01/02 344
18512.08G18 Dimissio S2 Wager 4 03/02/02 111
18612.09G18 Dimissio S2 Wager 5 03/02/02 184
15811.13G18 Dimissio S3 Chimera 1 07/18/01 244
16011.15G16 Locutio S3 Chimera 2 08/01/01 220
16111.16G18 Dimissio S3 Chimera 3 08/07/01 243

2.4. Metastasis
(9 poems from Group 18)

# Y.#Group Series Book Title DateLength
18812.11G18 Dimissio S4 Remains 1 04/26/02 43
18912.12G18 Dimissio S4 Remains 2 05/08/02 64
19012.13G18 Dimissio S4 Remains 3 05/12/02 81
19112.14G18 Dimissio S4 Remains 4 05/24/02 436
19212.15G18 Dimissio S4 Remains 5 07/02/02 323
19312.16G18 Dimissio S4 Remains 6 07/12/02 113
19512.18G18 Dimissio S5 Backlash 1 08/12/02 326
19612.19G18 Dimissio S5 Backlash 2 08/19/02 225
19712.20G18 Dimissio S5 Backlash 3 08/19/02 279

2.5. Daimonia
(9 poems from Group 19)

# Y.#Group Series Book Title DateLength
20113.01G19 Pranah  प्रणः S2 Battlefields 1 01/09/03 333
20213.02G19 Pranah  प्रणः S2 Battlefields 2 01/11/03 371
20313.03G19 Pranah  प्रणः S2 Battlefields 3 01/12/03 84
20413.04G19 Pranah  प्रणः S2 Battlefields 4 01/13/03 125
20513.05G19 Pranah  प्रणः S2 Battlefields 5 01/14/03 174
20613.06G19 Pranah  प्रणः S2 Battlefields 6 01/16/03 305
20713.07G19 Pranah  प्रणः S2 Battlefields 7 01/18/03 247
20813.08G19 Pranah  प्रणः S2 Battlefields 8 01/27/03 937
20913.09G19 Pranah  प्रणः S2 Battlefields 9 09/04/03 10774

2.6. Textus
(9 poems from Group 19)

# Y.#Group Series Book Title DateLength
23313.33G19 Pranah  प्रणः S3 Links 21 09/14/03 42
23413.34G19 Pranah  प्रणः S3 Links 22 09/14/03 75
23513.35G19 Pranah  प्रणः S3 Links 23 09/14/03 39
23613.36G19 Pranah  प्रणः S3 Links 24 09/24/03 226
23713.36G19 Pranah  प्रणः S3 Links 25 09/27/03 122
23813.37G19 Pranah  प्रणः S3 Links 26 10/06/03 190
23913.38G19 Pranah  प्रणः S3 Links 27 10/06/03 181
24013.39G19 Pranah  प्रणः S3 Links 28 10/06/03 379
24314.01G19 Pranah  प्रणः S3 Links 29 08/12/04 20383

2.7. Tetralogy I
(4 poems from Groups 20-21)

# Y.#Group Series Book Title DateLength
27514.33G20 Atman  आत्मन् S1 Reminders 23 05/05/05 12365
31515.16G20 Atman  आत्मन् S3 Moments 15 02/04/06 6286
32916.01G21 Vidyaa  विढ्या S2 Transloc. 9 11/24/06 8139
36416.36G21 Vidyaa  विढ्या S4 Transmigr. 13 07/28/08 8247

2.8. Tetralogy II
(2 of 4 poems from Groups 22-..)

# Y.#Group Series Book Title DateLength
46119.22G22 Manas  मनस् S3 Transcend. 31 08/04/148513
62824.04G23 Dharma  धर्मः S5 Dissolutns. 28 ../../....
......     ...
Σ xx: T2.3: The City
......     ...
Σ xx: T2.4: The Ruins

2.9. Broken News
(2 poems from Group 21)

# Y.#Group Series Book Title DateLength
39917.35G21 Vidyaa  विढ्या S5 Reality 10 10/03/07 501
36517.01G21 Vidyaa  विढ्या S5 Reality 11 12/31/07 15600

2.10. Happiness and Misery
(3 poems from Group 22)

# Y.#Group Series Book Title DateLength
38517.21G22 Manas  मनस् S1 Transubst. 20 04/07/07156
38617.22G22 Manas  मनस् S1 Transubst. 21 04/07/07147
38717.23G22 Manas  मनस् S1 Transubst. 22 04/07/07113

2.11. Within and Without
(2 poems from Group 22)

# Y.#Group Series Book Title DateLength
42018.17G22 Manas  मनस् S2 Permutat. 21 09/14/0815
42118.18G22 Manas  मनस् S2 Permutat. 22 08/06/0825

2.12. An Ordinary Life
(2 poems from Group 24)

# Y.#Group Series Book Title DateLength
63725.05G24 Samsara  संसर S1 Transiences 9 03/11/1564
63825.06G24 Samsara  संसर S1 Transiences 10 03/15/1516

2.13. Dialling Phone Numbers of Dead People
(2 poems from Groups 24+25)

# Y.#Group Series Book Title DateLength
69629.01G24 Samsara  संसर S4 Turnaround 1 01/08/19204
76031.11G25 Yoga  योग S2 Disruptions 10 10/16/21153

2.14. Dôdecalogy: Dreams of War and Peace
(12 poems from Groups 23+25)

# Y.#Group Series Book Title DateLength
53821.01G23 Dharma  धर्मः S3 Imaginings 1 01/15/1161
54021.03G23 Dharma  धर्मः S3 Imaginings 2 02/05/1128
55221.15G23 Dharma  धर्मः S3 Imaginings 14 02/28/11275
77932.08G25 Yoga  योग S3 Continuities 7 07/31/22159
77732.06G25 Yoga  योग S3 Continuities 5 07/20/22547
78532.14G25 Yoga  योग S3 Continuities 13 09/30/22871
78632.15G25 Yoga  योग S3 Continuities 14 10/09/22268
79532.24G25 Yoga  योग S4 Confluences 2 12/24/22273
79732.26G25 Yoga  योग S4 Confluences 4 12/24/2248
79832.27G25 Yoga  योग S4 Confluences 5 12/24/22302
79932.28G25 Yoga  योग S4 Confluences 6 12/24/22742
...33...G25 Yoga  योग S4 Confluences 7
Σ 51: Future's Prologue