some message, though clear,
may come it unwanted
and haunt you
and find you
even when you let your self be swallowed
and carried by the sea
(a single fish may do, some say)
I'm not finished here yet
some finishing
well needs to occur
needs to be done
by me?
or to me?
a finishing off
a finishing
of what?
a task
yet to be completed?
for a truth
yet to be discovered? or just hidden? hiding? repressed?
a haunting, distant,
or more like a noise? a blue noise?
'pon the planks of the place where we're standing
so, what do you do
if called by the Lord?
first, there's no Lord
second, there still is no Lord
third, even if were there, you wouldn't be called
say now, it's a prank call
some one
to be the Lord
calling you
to save a city
from decadence
and despair
is everywhere
is hope
is ruin
is art
is destruction
so, none like big news
if he were the Lord
why not prevent then the thing by Himself?
are pawns we?
the executors
or preventers
of his impotent wills?
and if potent, destructive?
no, I'd prefer
to not call
a voice in my mind
a Lord
if spoke it about
damnation and honor
for know I'd then
that (one) hearing voices is quite pathological
and (two) such a voice could only be of a sociopath
why not flee?
oh, but in the company of dumbsters
to be appeasing
the sea
by cutting an animal's throat
or shoving a man into the throat of a shark
they could forego
their allegèd damnation
damn, what a nation
that would be listening
to those fools
this now hits close to home
I know
that's why he left
that's why he had to go
who's he
to be the messenger
of mental disease?
we all get drawn in
the excitement
of catching the bad man
the revelation
of seeing an outsider be savior
the noblesse
of be(com)ing the chosen one
for sure!
a superman
eaten by a great shark
for dereliction of duty
(once the boss seemed unethical)
aided even by the boss
(who even controls the shark, what an ethical mastermind!)
saves just another Gotham
from the lurings
of life
oh, ain't this tiresome
why don't you chew, sharky?
the monster's inside

there's something wrong
with the sea
it doesn't seem
to stop
before our majesty
before our might
before our arrogance of knowledge
see we what's there
yet see we not
know we what's there
yet know we not
feel we what's there
yet feel we not
we don't want to see
we don't want to know
we don't want to feel
for if we were to
we'd have to think
'bout doing things diff'rently
do you feel
to serve
to protect
and now take a choice
when all you'll have done
just can't be enough
(and just as a thought)
you could be wrong now

hello my dear,
how I adore
your thirst so immense
your voracious appetite
for life
sucking all in
leaving quite nothing
to be desired:
a completion
of consumption
quite so alluring
a mouth
that takes all
yours, S.
hey gorgeous one,
how through your strength
your head-strong initiative
quite see you all
in coldest apprehension
seducing me
by picking apart
'fore my very own eyes
what by me
could only be swallowed
yours truly, CH.
honey-mouth you,
your mystery deep
is drawing me in
at least
it's drawing me close
to see
take a peek
t'wards your secrets quite innermost
should lose a branch I
lose a head
inside your beauty so skewed
I'll just grow a new one
I'd have surrendered not
just given in
to a sublimity
love, S.
hey you,
I feel
that even though
we've split up the sea
quite neatly between us
your efforts towards me
must stay quite in vain:
'cause fixed here we are
your searching inside of me,
must stay it in vain:
let's have a ship
now and then
and do lunch
regards, CH.

without the compromise
of (re)cognition
(do I know you? maybe I just don't wanna)
and the like
the perfect choreo-graphy:
and life
so that no one will recognize
the one
from the other
thanatos! eros!
and bring fruit
a strangest one
a strangest mind-fruit
seeing in death
as much a potential
as seeing in life
one, done by your self
the other trusting your self to continue:
an approximation of probable behavior into a future unknown!
(mathematically speaking)
a future unknown
which we're constantly sinking towards
and which now
as we are seeing it
not looks that different
from the future unknown
presented to us
just some hours ago
it's just minimal disturbances
maybe some day
creating a way
of the dichotomy
of Skylla
and his companion in temptation,

having played with fire
and given it
didn't as much
get punished
for the act
but for the violation
of authority
so grand
and even if pains it
and even if want they
that the body be felled
that the body be felt
(that the body be felt by cathartic pain-rituals)
in order to see
(to be seen)
and that be felt
the everlasting
of life
the weight
imposed by thinking
on being
even if so
what else then to do?
is choice there still?
different all
once infected
with the drink
of vision:
see I
my vessels
(the vessels in this vessel that is I)
more clearly
pounding its way through, so relentlessly
other stuff
you have to work for, it seems
it's going on
it's going
the authority
I was afraid of
see you not?
it's all in my head
their rule over me
a figment
ceded importance
by my imagination
is not th' authority
we're working against
quite of our own flesh?
our own body?
our own mind?
and soul?
are not we
of ideas
in our head
their imitation
in others
the propagation
of these memes:
do I feel like a slave
to these
I know no one tells me
to write
but still
there's no "one" there
but still, there's a "there" there
I feel compelled
something's making me
for the moment
the same fight:
let victory be
and freedom reign
the rules shall fall
be mortal
or immortal they
(once immortal were they, and fall they can still, how immortal 've been they?)
and if it takes
the sacrifice
of my body
to the idea
of life:
why not, so be it:
the unexpected
shall be where you find me
the unexplained
where all will get clear:
the eagle
of empire
will keep picking
at the wound
laid open
by the search for truth and for action:
and this is my curse:
that all my way
I'm on a flight
from what wants me to fail
they want initiative to fail
want knowledge to fail
and, in the end,
want life to fail:
they are the eagles

and amidst
the insanity
of it all
let there be
let there be
a way
to sneak in
and at least now to end it
even if
we'd be shaming the gods
even if
we'd be the ones getting the blame
erring around
on an errand
of seeking
what's never just found
and even if be it
a horse made of wood:
no Cassandras can stop it
for greed, just as hope,
will always conspire
for fate to endure:
let in now what's coming
let in now the faker
who will but destroy
what so much now fought for
that songs have been written
'bout this very plight:
yet let the man
who envisaged this ploy
be plagued by his gift
and cursed by it
so true a follower of Prometheus quite
shan't feel he the burden?
shan't pay he
his dues?
it's always the trickster
challenging the boundaries
of reality:
but just like a spider
he might just get caught
in his web
so proper
and storms may well carry him
carry his men
carry his soul
passing the wonders that held by this place
turning to terror them
beauty turned death
by the song of the Sirens
love turned obsession
in the hands of a Circe
and Skylla smiling at Charybdis
and enter a cave now
with shapes on the wall
see you the entrance?
shadows but all
in yonder a neatherworld
a shadow, in ages to come
will find he quite
the same cave
and a distant relative
of Polyphemos:
in double a blinding
Odysseus will take
what later takes Sindbad
his fellow in madness
and erring around:
and all through all time
the stakes getting bigger
and eagles be rocs
and behemoths stalking the land
will soon turn to leviathan
to carry them on
where no man has gone

my dearest Telemachos,
from far you've been fighting
to see your father
to you
you've seen my beloved
be violated
in her will
each day:
the vultures demanding their due
yes, they're quite animals
pretending to care
for the future at hand:
yet should take it
the slaughter of pretenders
to get to your throne:
hell hath no fury
than a beggar
seeking his life:
for see you:
an arrow
aiming for the heart of love
has to pass through all that has injured it
collecting blood
from the specter of death
the will but to life

a plank of wood
under the sea
in the middle
between the continents
a survivor, barely,
of times past
of tales past
all blown up by remembrance
and what now remains
are stories
are words
some say, this is all supposed quite to stay
the price tag
got buried
by the waves
the murdered woods
having carried
too many
into the sea
to be dragged
into the deep
some say, they died for freedom
from the tyrannical threat of the East
some say, they died for the people who ruled
in a city far, far away
some say, they died for the nation
so that it could stay all free from intrusion
some say, 'tis an honor
to be dying for concepts held high
some say, that in death may lie meaning
as much as in life
some say, that to follow
is more of a deed than to lead your own life
't may all be quite true
what they say
of course
yet to those
deep down
or buried
in this dirt
of ages past
what's it to them?
and all, through the depths, they keep calling:
no more
for war isn't clean
and never but holy
and never will be
and heads held up high
in pride
won't ever see the ground
with graves
of people made heroes
by the dictate
of story
over life

in the beginning
a sense needs to stand
to make sense
of what sense
cannot be attributed to
of course there's sense
in the outer world
independent quite
from what's within
yet do we feel
that's quite enough?
do we hear
the sound of the stars
do we know
the meaning of it all?
an obsession with meaning
an obsession with meming?
(memes it all and not to better?)
(it's memes outsmarting genes, don't you see)
(at least that's been tried)
try me
to see
a world
of our making
a world of our shaping
condemn we not thus
one part of two
to damnation?
the truth inside myth
the truth? the word? the sense?
in there?
out there?
maybe though
there's truth to the notion
that story
what's truth but?
the mind's eye:
an interpreter
of insanity
in the realms of
for there are times
when to talk in myth
's the only way
to talk at all
yes, sometimes
you need lies
to tell the truth

persevere we
sever we not
the bonds of reality
with destiny?
when destiny appears
some of the times
there's ending, destruction
and fate quite so certain:
a being drawn back
into the floods
where once
it all came from?
an obsession
we cannot quite sever
from the dream but
of clarity
the dream of
for there is insanity
at the bottom
of each barrel
of blood
(I'm a fountain of blood
knows the singer from Iceland)
and icy a palace
we've built:
purest white, the color of death
will it melt,
will its substance
return to the sea?
or will stay everything we've touched
a separate thing, severed from life?
this illusion again: that sever we could
our being
from nothingness
our sense
from what is
our story
from life:
and white a lie
and white a salvation
pursuing we are
to persevere
while being drawn in
by a destiny
of own our making