The path not set, not yet this date,
The path yet free, just at this fate,
The time is never, place, not fixed -
The terms unknown and almost mixed,
Is Neverwhen and Neverwhere
And never this will matter bear -
This place, beginning and the end,
This time, when fate and fortune bend,
This place, in our times not seen,
This time, for us just empty scheme,
So worlds apart and times much more
If all begins at deepest core -
Where nothing yet is separate,
Where unity the final gate -
What comes from there will manifest,
Will need a body to invest,
Will need a mind then to perceive,
Will need a heart for joy and grief -
The ocean then a drop will be -
The drop returns with certainty.
The one is all
The all is one
What once was done
Returns for all.
So matter forms out of the void,
And mind is now what once was void,
And heart is made to fill the scheme -
And shape is come, will more but seem -
And mind and matter soon divide,
They not the same ways like to ride,
They thus concur and hinder each,
They flee from ancient, primal reach -
They come to life, and soon get lost,
Their senses soon try to accost,
But still, all's new and all seems bright -
No darkness here, just shining light -
No way to make it here alone,
No way to get for free a loan -
The things we get have to be paid,
Through all the problems we then wade,
They rise above us, do we hold?
Or do we rather like to fold?
What choice we have? Have it at all?
And time to nothingness will fall.
Arisen all,
And seen the light,
We all must fight,
And all will fall.
This life we have is bound to time -
Both time and matter are here prime,
In time and matter truth is lain -
In time and matter truth is slain,
In time and matter deeds are done,
In time and matter deeds are gone,
In time and matter stories told
Which then to sudden truth enfold -
A truth which is but emptiness,
A truth disjoined from truthfulness -
But all is life and all will be -
And all is there for us to see -
A tapestry of life unfolds
That all amongst temptation holds
To take it all and look not back,
To satisfy what ancient lack
Intended just to steal from us -
But ev'ry little tiny fuzz
Will go away, will never stay -
Collapse on our final day.
And life is all
Around us here
In hope and fear
This life will fall.
Away this life, this life of pain!
Of sufferings which seemed in vain,
Of endless quarrel, conflict, fight -
Of dreams of what possessed we might,
Good thoughts that led to action not,
Of action leading darkest plot,
Of injustice around all here,
Of evil plain and us so near,
Of all which darkness us present -
And all which forced us all to bend.
Away this life, this life of joy!
Away this sweet, endearing ploy!
Away with all its pleasure, might,
Away the joys of day and night,
Away the sounds and tastes and smells -
Away the ringing of the bells,
Away what we had loved and cared -
Away all endless pleasures shared,
Away this all, this life of time -
The final ladder we now climb.
To death leads all
We used to know
In final blow
But death will fall.
And now, what we endured these days,
And all we gone through these old ways,
All this leads back to primal cause,
The once so powerful white horse
Now dies itself - yeah, death will die -
No more her coldest fingers try
To gain her prey, to gain a man -
Nor woman, child, whatever then -
Her grasp then fails, her glance will break -
And way to all which follows make.
Once death succeeds, she fails at last -
Her reach and so her death is cast -
A threshold, nothing more she is -
And after that, with caring kiss
She lets us go - and no more fear,
No more the trouble once so near
Can harm again once we have passed -
We'll join the link which ever last,
We'll reach the place we once would leave -
And peace again we will retrieve.
Resurges all
From time's own siege
And deadly reach
Itself will fall.
The path was set, so was this time,
Was set by us in the sublime -
Returned we have, will join the cause,
The cause is all, is without flaws -
In unity the souls unite -
In unity the souls shine bright -
The souls that are at place just here,
From causal scheme arisen clear -
And no more death, and no more fear,
No shattered hopes, no single tear -
The end to suffering, to pain -
The end to what would be in vain -
All that was void, resurges here -
All saddest thought rejoices sheer -
In trinity we now are one
With father, spirit and the son -
No separate identities,
And void to vanity now flees -
The thought will manifest once more,
Reborn to probe creation's core.
United all
What once was severed
Reborn what dreaded
All thorns but fall.