Dies irae, dies illa
Solvet saeclum in favilla:
Teste David cum Sybilla.
And shaken now the world will be,
That every smallest part can see
Where lies no substance and no thought -
And what a fight needs to be fought -
The tremors make their way through all,
And every tiny bit will fall,
Will fall it all and fall apart -
There's no beginning nor a start,
No point in time this day will be,
Nor easily it is to see -
This day of wrath, this day of all,
This day when rises highest call,
This day of all - each single one,
The world needs fall in silent stun.
Each day the truth is made us clear,
Each day the choice is brought us near -
Each day the plea of truth strikes through,
The end is near, each day anew -
And all arrives at single choice -
And all depends on single voice.
Quantus tremor est futurus,
Quando iudex est venturus,
Cuncta stricte discussurus!
And tremble will the world then sheer,
The world will tremble out of fear,
The tremors filling every part,
The tremors with no end nor start -
Will shake the world and twist her 'round,
Turn upside down what up was bound,
Will turn downside what once faced up -
Now see it, world, your time is up!
The days you had - where did they go?
The days you had - where do they show?
Did use you them - turn them to light?
Turn them to everlasting right?
The judge has come - His see will rule -
The see but is no chair nor stool,
The cross it is the judge hangs on,
The cross with which He us has won,
Has won us for the brightest side,
Has won us; did we use it right?
What have we done - what is the case?
Has not He shown us better ways?
Tuba, mirum spargens sonum
Per sepulchra regionum,
Coget omnes ante thronum.
The sounds of light tear down the night,
The shades of darkness take their flight,
They scramble hastily away,
But there's no single place to stay -
The final days have now begun,
No place to hide, no place to run,
No place to hide from sins now past,
No place to hide from failures vast,
No place to run, no place to hide -
To this one place now to abide,
At this one time now to decide,
At this one moment's greatest tide -
The streams of time and space unfold,
The mysteries of life are told,
The past revealed, the time is now -
Now is the time to rightly vow -
This neverwhere, this neverthen,
This everywhere, this everywhen -
The fates together now will flow,
The truth unmasked they now will show.
Mors stupebit et natura,
Cum resurget creatura,
Iudicanti responsura.
And death now takes a break to see,
With nature, both in union be -
They stand amazed to hear the call,
The call which now extends to all:
Extends to all, with no one left,
Extends without the smallest cleft,
It reaches all and lets them see -
And no one now the truth can flee,
The time of choice is far now gone,
The time of wishes long upon -
No more to look to left, to right,
No more to go - the bonds too tight:
These bonds applies not someone else
But inner sin and deepest lies -
So once at last we'll honest be
And once at last the truth we'll see
And all creation will respond
From places near and far beyond -
The judge they hear and answer must:
All lies to nothingness will bust.
Liber scriptus proferetur,
In quo totum continetur,
Unde mundus iudicetur.
And all contained from all our lives,
And all contained of him who thrives,
And all contained of him who's lost -
And all contained whose paths we crossed,
And all contained what deeds we've done,
And all contained the paths we've gone -
The book of life is opened then,
Its message well destroy us can -
But, hopefully, a single spark,
A spark of light amongst the dark,
Will be in it, and caused us by -
And all our deeds will then us tie,
Tie us into the paths to come -
Decide, what paths we are to run -
Decide the speed, the place, the time -
Decide if we to laugh or whine -
The judge awaits the truth to tell,
The truth that us might then propel,
Propel us high into the light -
But also into void it might!
Iudex ergo cum sedebit
Quidquid latet, apparebit:
Nil inultum remanebit.
The judge - once seated - starts the game,
And now there's nothing but His name -
His name the key to truth just is,
The key to everlasting bliss
As well to everlasting pain -
The task is simple, straight and plain:
Whatever lies seemed once to hold
Will now as masquerades unfold -
The deeds they carried, all will go,
The things accomplished - just like so,
And all what hidden once - lays bare,
And all we didn't like - take care!
And all we did not want to see
And all we didn't then agree -
And all which used to go too far
And all which thought itself a star
And all which deviated then
Now needs to join the path again -
So all that's sinful must repent -
And all to Him then needs to bend.
Quid sum miser tunc dicturus?
Quem patronum rogaturus,
Cum vix iustus sit securus?
And so I look, want answers find
And then of course a place to hide -
But what then should I say, what hope -
When but not even just men cope
With all the fate that's put on them?
While from the light we are to stem,
But darkness flows just into all,
Is forcing us to steady fall -
There is no time no place at all
That we'd be safe from darkest call -
What patron I should seek out here?
Aren't they themselves just filled with fear?
And when they aren't - what pride they show!
And through their pride themselves to grow
Believe - but though instead they sink -
They sink because they crushed the link,
The link which humbly all connects
And with benevolence affects
Just those who think themselves not great -
While pride just closes every gate.
Rex tremendae maiestatis,
Qui salvandos salvas gratis,
Salva me, fons pietatis.
There is no king on Earth but you,
And outside you, no thing is true -
And outside you, no life exists -
And life itself, in all its twists,
Goes on because you want it to -
There is no worldly might but you.
The darkness will recede in light,
The darkness has no smallest might,
You'd crush it with the slightest word -
Could make yourself get eas'ly heard.
But where would we then need to be?
What if we had to all the key?
No free a choice we then would have!
And no more truth the world then gave!
There'd be no point in life at all -
There'd be no point in any call -
The choice is now which stand to take
And what alliances to make -
O save me if in this I failed,
Who savest those who had prevailed!
Recordare, Iesu Pie,
Quod sum causa tuae viae:
Ne me perdas illa die.
So yours the grace and pity all,
While Babel's tower far too tall,
We're stacking sin upon each sin,
And do it with a slyish grin -
We think us mighty, think us smart,
We think that each and ev'ry part
Of us is worth to worship man -
While otherwise, none of us can
Indeed yet even see what's true -
And so, no single one but You
It is who can then set us free -
O Lord, Son, Father, hear our plea!
O Lord, Great Spirit, grant us peace!
Us from the darkest grip release!
Afraid we are, afraid we all -
Afraid that here on fateful shoal
Our souls get lost and don't find home -
So tell us just we're not alone -
We feel it with each, every breath -
The thoughts of us but killed you have.
Quaerens me, sedisti lassus:
Redemisti crucem passus:
Tantus labor non sit cassus.
But we're the object of your work,
And though, we just around here lurk,
Pretending not to know a thing,
And not to show whose praise to sing
And not to know what time will be -
And not to know that all we see
Is just reflection of your cause -
So why don't we just sit and pause?
The mysteries of life revealed,
The mysteries of love are feeled,
The love you all the time us give -
The love through which we all can live -
The love, just answered not at all,
The love which brought this steady fall,
The love we answered with your loss -
The Son of Man we put to cross -
What was our scheme, you turned around:
From our hate you love allowed,
The answer we don'ts seem to stand, -
But aren't we in the promised land?
Iuste iudex ultionis,
Donum fac remissionis
Ante diem rationis.
Just Judge, o spare thy vengèance,
O Lord, let pity lead your hands,
Redemption seeking, are we here --
With deepest soul we know you're near,
In deepest union, thine we are,
You stand beside us, not afar,
Eternal rest do give to them,
As we are part of great your plan,
Redemption we are asking for,
Redemption at our deepest core,
Redeem from sins us we can't see,
Redeem from truth we always flee,
Redeem us from what wrong we did,
Redeem when we from you had hid',
Redeem the words and deeds so void,
Redeem when we these words enjoyed,
O save us, heal us, give us strength,
That we may go the way, all length,
Before the day of reckoning
Removed shall be the deadly sting!
Ingemisco, tamquam reus:
Culpa rubet vultus meus:
Supplicanti parce, Deus.
And so I cry and moan in fears,
My face now filled with silent tears,
The dreams deep down with darkness filled,
The hidden hopes are almost killed,
And fire walks with me once more,
A fire from the darkest core,
The fire darkness sends with might,
This fire, holding us so tight,
This fire, darkening each night,
This fire all of us must fight -
This purgatory makes you see
Which one of us with you to be -
This day of wrath, this day of all,
This day where sky and earth will fall,
This day all worldly stuff destroyed,
This day, all thinking goes to void,
I grown as one condemned will do,
My face will blush from sins not few,
So this suppliant now do spare
And take us then into your care.
Qui Mariam absolvisti,
Et latronem exaudisti,
Mihi quoque spem dedisti.
But hope hast given You to me,
Hast heard so many sinners' plea,
Hast given hope, redemption all,
However deep had seen their fall,
Saint Mary Magdalen you heard,
About the thief you even cared,
About the people on the street,
About the people you would meet,
About each ev'ry one at all
Who willing was to hear your call -
So why should we now be afraid?
Afraid to suffer diff'rent fate?
Hast given hope throughout the days -
However fragile hope then stays -
Nowhere a place you are not there,
Nowhere a person you don't care,
Nowhere a space without your breath,
Nowhere the world your word not hath -
In every darkness is your light,
And be it faint, it's worth a fight.
Preces meae non sunt dignae:
Sed tu bonus fac benigne,
Ne perenni cremer igne.
And all my pleas they have no worth -
No worth have I since then my birth,
Not worthy am I to get heard -
And all my waters darkly stirred,
My hope in you is set alone -
My hope that you up on the throne
A reign do'st lead that worth its name -
That not you send the deadly flame
But love, compassion, charity
To all of us just clear to see -
A reign of terror not - of peace -
A reign that will at once appease
All fear, all pain, all evil ways,
That all in it the same not stays,
That all transformed into sublime,
That all the space and all the time
Relieved from duty, free from pain -
But not it all shall be in vain!
My prayers, late they come - but true,
And all the words go through and through.
Inter oves locum praesta,
Et ab haedis me sequestra,
Statuens in parte dextra.
Amongst the sheep a place me give,
That from your counsel I may live,
Amongst thine folks me place provide,
And safe and sound from times own tide,
Amongst the right and just me place -
And lead me through the brightest ways -
Your judgement mine shall be all day,
Your judgement mine forever stay -
Amongst thine people put my soul,
That you will be my only goal -
The goats me spare and all that's wrong,
All wrongs evade I try so strong,
I try so hard - try I in vain?
I see it written here too plain -
My hopes are mine, my ways still too,
And all the thoughts that ever flew
To me in all my darkest night -
Thou art my one and only light,
My shepherd, guiding me right home,
With you, I'm nevermore alone.
Confutatis maledictis,
Flammis acribus addictis:
Voca me cum benedictis.
The flames reach down and all they catch,
The flames seek innermost their match,
The flames seek darkness like their own,
A dark and burning, hate-filled tone,
They seek revenge in all their eyes,
They seek the grandest of all lies -
They seek all vanity at once,
They seek all who off light now runs,
They seek all darkest wish so clear,
They seek all terror and all fear,
They seek all those who help not did,
All those, their evil fire lit,
They seek the mindless, evil mood,
They seek all those they just have screwed,
They seek the darkest dark of weed -
So they these flames again will feed -
O spare me those, my Lord of grace,
How ever once I joined the maze -
Have mercy now, all deeds are done,
The time is now! The hours run.
Oro supplex et acclinis,
Cor contritum quasi cinis:
Gere curam mei finis.
The time is now - and here I stand,
My fate is drawn from this your hand,
My heart is trembling here with fear -
But more than that, my guilt is clear -
The things I did that were not right,
The things from which I took my flight,
All good I once refused to do,
All mindless babbling I fled to,
All things unsaid, all things too clear,
All that to you not brought me near,
All that from you me took apart,
All that just broke your honest heart,
All thoughts that yours not matched by will,
All thoughts of yours I used to kill,
All things I see now clearly here,
I'm struck with it, astounded sheer,
O won't you tear me now apart!
Why can't there be another start!
The things I did I clearly see -
My end is here - in you it be.
Lacrimosa dies illa,
Qua resurget ex favilla
Iudicandus homo reus.
Huic ergo parce, Deus:
Pie Iesu Domine,
Dona eis requiem. Amen.
O day of tears, of tears this day!
What am I now to you to say,
As guilty man I come to thee,
That guilt of mine here clear to see -
I see it now, I see now clear -
Your voice I finally now hear
To which to listen I refused -
Of that I now will be accused
And rightly so - there is no doubt -
And silent grows who used to shout.
My mouth now closes, ears are wide -
O see, my Lord, all this my plight!
Dear Jesus, merciful you are -
I trust you - nothing's now ajar -
The tears I shed then dry you will,
My broken heart with joy to fill,
Eternal rest and peace provide,
And placest me just to your right -
So be it, all now comes just to its end -
And peace to all is to be sent.