Group 8, thereby following in structure as well as in overall thematics the same premises. Each category consists of two shorter and one larger poem, the three larger poems of this group closely connected to each other and forming a kind of storyline.
Category 10.3 not only concludes group 10, but also brings conclusion to the line of thoughts started with group 8. Both groups so belong together in a way; the line of thought being carried over each time in the third poem; thus Fade to Black delivers sort of a conclusion to Fire Walks With Me.
Small Moves is a theme I have picked up from the terrific movie 'Contact', and which I quoted in Fade to Black, as this was actually written before Small Moves. Fragility picks up themes established in Fire Walks With Me and category 2.1, Dubitatio. Fade to Black then is the culmination of all said in groups 8 and 10, wrapping up themes from both groups, especially from group 10.

March 23rd/31st, 1999