Series 1: Shapes

  1. Masks
  2. Places
  3. Ennealogy IV: Out of Mind

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Phil John Kneis:


Moab, July 28th, 1997 - P#69

Can't hold it no more,
The mask that I wore,
The face that I've worn
Is coming now down
And falling apart
And crushing so hard
I fear that it broke,
That never I woke
To life it once then -
I just don't know, when.

The worry and ache
I would like to take
And far throw away
That not are to stay
In visible realm.
Invisible seem
The colors of night,
They darken and tight
The thoughts of the mind
And all of us blind.

The masks that we wear,
The masks that once were,
The masks that now are,
The masks that will far
In all our time
To harmony rhyme
Where this not is true;
The key or the clue
To find to one's mind
Is hidden behind.

We hide from the truth,
Are trying to soothe
The self of our own.
So eas'ly we loan
A different shape,
And colorful tape
Is showing us all
That no one shalt fall
And nothing shalt end.
But truth we so bend.

A dumb running gag,
A meaningless tag
Is nothing we are,
From truth is it far,
As far as the myth
That ev'ry small hiss
Of humans is great.
We still have to wait
For wisdom to come
And grow over sum.

The masks now away,
Thine own self but stay
And cry it aloud
That this is about
To live and to see,
No more then to flee
The lies and the threats,
But all our bets
Will see us to thrive
And just be alive.

April 2th, 1999

Phil John Kneis:


Las Vegas, July 31st, 1997 - P#70

I wait and see the world go round,
Sometimes I see it westwards bound,
Sometimes to East or North or South,
Sometimes with closed or opened mouth,
Sometimes just black and white and quiet,
Sometimes there is no place to hide
When colors shape the world its face
And all the noises go to maze.

Whatever face I might present,
The world will always pictures bend
And liars call which do provide
A narrow focus to divide
This place in pieces which of all
Not link together, ever fall
Apart and down and do not give
The simpliest reason, why to live.

No voice can tell what silence states,
No silence tell of distant gates,
No science will tell if God was true,
No priest tell all the physics' clue.
Just don't accept the easy way
To listen just to what they say,
But not to think and not to dream
Of options that unlikely seem.

A home I'm looking for, a place,
Where nothing all the same but stays
And all the mysteries of life
Through all the heavens down here dive
And to my inner self proceed,
In silent ways for ever lead
My all attempts and all my thought
That nowhere nothing will be nought.

All earthly matters I shalt flee
And through the distance I'm to see
That all the dark that rounds up light
Will all the times but lose the fight.
And places down that I felt weak
Through new hope new impulses seek
And start to open all the doors
And carry me on flying horse.

No place of darkness will prevail,
No place the hope to death then nail,
No place the truth can ever hide,
No place can narrow which is wide.
No place and masks a threat will be,
No place will us prevent to see
What is to do and what to say
And that there is no better day.

April 2th, 1999

Phil John Kneis:




Eichwalde, October 19th, 1997 - P#77

With quietness filled and calm with peace
Not any of the smallest piece
Disturb now can a mind at ease -
No matter, what would elsewhen tease
Or force the will to join a path
That not a reason for he hath,
Now all those things are gone, are dead,
Now none of "those" could ever bet
When he would break or run away
Or when of fear he still would stay
And not to move just able be -
Now all what were for them to see
Is now just gone and none with light,
It went away with all this might
That revelations us present.
Nowhere he reached, nowhere he went,
The times of people are now bent
And entering an unknown land
He just arrives at what we fear
And what to heaven is just near.

What first was told, the future seems
And all of all the untold realms
Just to describe and here to write -
And all of all the times with pride
To seem so small, so sad, so strange,
To all that comes we can't arrange
A thing that helps, a thing we built,
And all of all with fear are filled -
Unknown the things that there us wait,
Unknown the places where we stayed
And where we go, but what today?
Does any one know what a way
It is that we are passing through?
Has any one the slightest clue?
Don't tell me we would know a thing -
Don't tell about a cosmic string,
Don't show me quarks, not beams, not mass,
Don't show me particles that pass,
They are just names but stay unknown
And truth in riddles is just shown.

The dreams deep down seem like a link
Ad seem to be the slightest wink,
An almost funny way to see.
Estranged there all the things would be,
The words we hear and sight is clear
But so is fear us nowhere near -
It comes when darkness will arrive
But stays all time in dreamless live.
What kind of help do words provide?
Aren't they just thoughts that seem more tight?
Seem more advanced? Or calmed? Or proof?
To me they seem both way aloof
And near to nil. We see no light
And never will with our might.
All light is gift, all dark we do,
And all of this attached with glue
To us now seems and seems to stay.
What words we pray, what work we lay,
At any time who sees behind
Is fast declared as out of mind.

The dreams deep down I wish were true,
I hope they not at times just flew
To me to make my mind go wreck.
I see a silent, greeting speck,
A speck of space and speck of time
Where all my written thoughts shalt rhyme -
To rhyme because in troubled sea
Some guidance should be there with thee.
The times go slow, the times explode,
What unknown was is now been showed,
We grow in knowledge, grow in might,
But grow to darkness or to light?
Is out of mind the one who asks?
Is it the one who does his tasks?
But what to ask - or what to do.
Who is us friend, who is a foe,
We wait and wonder all the days,
The time itself the same not stays
But humans do and always have,
They always want a lead and staff.

We lead the wars and choose the leads,
We lie to formulate the needs,
We steal from neighbors, steal from earth,
We sell what really has no worth,
We buy to own and not to use,
And what we use will some time fuse
And not then work - throw it away!
And we won't any place just stay,
At least not for a long, long time.
To save the planet isn't prime,
It's me, it's me, it's me, it's me!
Through all the "me"s then what we see
Is all the guys that want to live.
That means that we are told to give,
To give some bread, to give some hope,
But do we do? Or say we: Nope!?
Let's hope no judge is watching now,
Let's hope the future is a tow
That holds us tight and will not fail,
If not, the darkness will prevail.

No nicer words am I to use?
Not tell that we will some day lose?
Not tell that life deserves much more?
Not tell to follow sacred lore?
I don't say thing that new just seem,
I just say things that have just been
A known agenda to us all.
And nothing will apart just fall
That proves not wrong and seems just right.
The Lord will judge the dark from light,
That is no choice, no myth, no tale,
That's not what needed cross and nail.
A fact it is, and known to all -
And not a subject to a poll.
Deep down our' days with Him we go,
Deep in a boat together row,
Deep in the dark together shine,
Deep down in fear together whine,
Deep down the dreams together think,
Deep down the minds we share a link.

(continuation: Neverwhere)

April 2th, 1999