POEMS GROUP 23: Dharma

Series 5: Dissolutions

  1. And Then
  2. To See Another World
  3. What There Is
  4. There'a a Road
  5. If You Think
  6. Only a Memory
  7. What Do I Want to Say
  8. Things Are Breaking Down, My Dear
  9. Dead Websites
  10. I Need to Believe This
  11. Loosen
  12. Veritability
  13. Roads to Inspiration
  14. Choice of Art
  15. What Ever Is Happening Now
  16. I Do Not Want To Be Normal
  17. Life Review
  18. An Emptiness In/Significant
  19. All Life Is A Dream
  20. Good Night To All
  21. For Reals
  22. This Is Never Going to Happen to Me
  23. Ever Never More
  24. Where I am Now
  25. Unicorn
  26. Connection Lost
  27. Memento Mori
  28. Syllogy XLI: The Garden

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Phil John Kneis:

धर्मः (Dharma) - DISSOLUTIONS I:

Corvallis, December 28th, 2012 - P#601

and then
you think
what is life all about
what's in store for us yet
will it all once make sense
or is all we will be
simply lost
on a path
of uncertainty
and maybe there's not even that:
this one
at all?

December 28th, 2012 / November 3rd, 2013

Phil John Kneis:

धर्मः (Dharma) - DISSOLUTIONS II:

Corvallis, February 5th, 2013 - P#602

to see another world
to feel it, touch it, ravage it
and see its end
its almost every end
and nothing
: a new world
that did not exist before
that is empty
and of no one
how could this be
that such a creation
could be forsaken by us
if it has been forsaken
by everyone already

February 5th / November 3rd, 2013

Phil John Kneis:

धर्मः (Dharma) - DISSOLUTIONS III:

Corvallis, February 6th, 2013 - P#603

there is

February 6th / November 3rd, 2013

Phil John Kneis:

धर्मः (Dharma) - DISSOLUTIONS IV:

Corvallis, February 10th, 2013 - P#604

there's a road
that should not be talked about
that should not be followed
that should not even be considered
for it's leading nowhere
nowhere fast
nowhere at all
and all in it, drawn
to the lure
of nothingness
revelatory bliss:
a nothing that is
is that a nothing?
is there not
another way to go?
across the waters
far, far, far, far; far too much: yet home
in exile, all roads could lead home
while home, all roads lead away from it
I could quite think some more about this here
and seek my home across the seas
and yet, my dear, my new home, is near: quite here
is never

February 10th / November 3rd, 2013

Phil John Kneis:

धर्मः (Dharma) - DISSOLUTIONS V:

Corvallis, February 27th, 2013 - P#605

if you think
you believe in god
you will be in
for harsh quite a landing

the loving god
the nurturing god
the kindest god
the baby jeeezus

oh well
that is one way of looking at this

but, you know, there is always
a counterpoint
a counter-image
that you simply can't shake --
and I know, oh, how I know, that you'd like to so much --
for the message of love
the message of understanding
the message of belonging
is met by indifference
and quite apparent sadism:
god wills it, they say:
-- then, how much, in fact, did he will?
and if he's so willing, how much of that is transferred unto us?

February 27th / November 3rd, 2013

Phil John Kneis:

धर्मः (Dharma) - DISSOLUTIONS VI:

Corvallis, March 7th, 2013 - P#606

a narrative
of what has been
and what will never be

it hits you the most
when you still can remember
while everyone else
is too young

the smell of the prairies
the sounds of the forest
the star-spangled sky
and the silence of the rocks:

who walked back then
is only a memory
if it is being told
and is allowed to be told

and contrary to what we like to hear
voices can be silenced
people removed
and memories be made forgotten

and not always
will there be something new emerging
redefining and resurging
after the old

March 7th / November 3rd, 2013

Phil John Kneis:

धर्मः (Dharma) - DISSOLUTIONS VII:

Corvallis, April 26th, 2013 - P#607

I want to say
that every day
nothing's yet lost
that every day
there is a chance
that all throughout life
you will be asked
to commit
one way, the other, or a compromise
that one
is probably better
than the two extremes
discrediting themselves:
follow the real path
the dharma
and you shall see

April 26th / November 3rd, 2013

Phil John Kneis:

धर्मः (Dharma) - DISSOLUTIONS VIII:

Corvallis, May 19th - August 1st, 2013 - P#608

things are breaking down, my dear
sanity's performed, I fear
after million, million cuts
everything inside just shuts
down and down and down once more
not quite joyous as before
death herself comes quite announced
and her trumpet quiet'ly sounds
in the million, million things
from beginnings on, it rings
and times there are I start to wonder
'bout the voyage down to 'yonder:
't seems to me, and I would reckon
that everything that's here to beckon
and waiting in the wings, this death,
to claim what she already hath:
till I don't quite decide I'm done
for how much more I dare to shun
this call to end it, bring it close:
I can't but help to feel morose:

and yet
I can keep telling me each day:
this awful reminder of days mostly past
here also reminds me
that while this is embedded in the now indeed
and every moment does contain a core of it:
there's far too much living to be done
right here
right now

August 1st / November 3rd, 2013

Phil John Kneis:

धर्मः (Dharma) - DISSOLUTIONS IX:

Corvallis, June 2nd, 2013 - P#609

kills creativity
in art:
how much more
can it be
to create perfect happiness
between two people
the private

June 2nd / November 3rd, 2013

Phil John Kneis:

धर्मः (Dharma) - DISSOLUTIONS X:

Corvallis, June 2nd, 2013 - P#610

I need to believe
that feeling
will be

June 2nd / November 3rd, 2013

Phil John Kneis:

धर्मः (Dharma) - DISSOLUTIONS XI:

Corvallis, June 2nd, 2013 - P#611

it feels
I need to loosen my mind
(lest lose it I should)
and just let it flow
and let the mind
now supersede the brain
and let me speak
where silent I'd have been

June 2nd / November 3rd, 2013

Phil John Kneis:

धर्मः (Dharma) - DISSOLUTIONS XII:

Corvallis, June 2nd, 2013 - P#612

beyond the walls
of appearances
there needs to be a way
for ideas
to take flight
and for truth
to be known:
I will not be accepting
the limitations of the cave
as final revelation:
must I not
despite it all
seek to carry on
and feel?
if thinking is not sufficient
not enough to tear down these walls

June 2nd / November 3rd, 2013

Phil John Kneis:

धर्मः (Dharma) - DISSOLUTIONS XIII:

Corvallis, July 16th, 2013 - P#613

life is usually assumed to be about possibilities
about all it has in store for you
about what will happen
what is all possible
and any new person
is the greatest gift to you, potentially

yes, indeed

that was then, though

I had been inspired

I had a dream

but can I hold on to a dream?
Tim Hardin thinks I can't

I hate this
I keep the dream
I have the dream
I am happy

and yet
around me
things are changing

people do not live forever
people do not stay in touch forever

I am tortured by cords cut loose
by not knowing what had happened
with a person close to me

and while I am living the (almost) perfect life
the substance of my past is crumbling
disintegrating with each passing breath

who was this? I know them. where are they?
we used to be close. not even a clue now.
the matrix of Gallifrey stays quiet.

there's entropy all around me
even within me, I guess, educatedly,
which means, things fall apart,
which means, death is all around me (us, rather)

ain't it strange how quickly we went from life to death?

it is quite as if eros and thanatos were quite connected
this road now seems quite inspired
yet morbidly
less - alive? - or more - advanced?

I am not sure I am liking this quite

I am watching Kevin Smith, at fourty,
talking about turding while stoned

I guess
this is
enough for now
I have not solved any problem
I have not produced an aesthetic masterpiece
I honestly don't know what this is

I guess it's on the road to somewhere

oh, surely, let's hope so

July 16th / November 3rd, 2013

Phil John Kneis:

धर्मः (Dharma) - DISSOLUTIONS XIV:

Corvallis, July 25th, 2013 - P#614

if art indeed
can suffer, maybe
from happiness in love
and would succeed much more
under conditions of unhappiness thus
alas, not-love,
what am I to make of this?
choose the emotional vampire I
or what makes me, us! happy?
maybe me, myself and Art
need talk this out
an intervention, you might say
and investigation
of the oldest abyss
of art herself

July 25th / November 3rd, 2013

Phil John Kneis:

धर्मः (Dharma) - DISSOLUTIONS XV:

Corvallis, July 29th, 2013 - P#615

what ever is happening now
is very important
in its insularity
yet paling in comparison
with those events that make a day a special one
by having the loneliest of all the temporal units be its lowliest:
a day compared to weeks months years eons all
what could a day but merely achieve
in the presence of something so much greater - and still:
by finding something smaller still
the day finds the seconds the minutes the hours
drowning all pain away, Mrs Dalloway,
and Richard feels for his soul to be lifted his body must fall

July 29th / November 3rd, 2013

Phil John Kneis:

धर्मः (Dharma) - DISSOLUTIONS XVI:

Corvallis, August 1st, 2013 - P#616

can I not be different?
is there a right life in the false one?
ss there a false consciousness, or is life just life?

is it wrong to want to have retirement?
is it wrong to want to have health insurance?
is it wrong to think practical?

but I want to have big thoughts
I think I know what is best for others
do i?
how dare I?



Is this a poem?

August 1st / November 3rd, 2013

Phil John Kneis:

धर्मः (Dharma) - DISSOLUTIONS XVII:

Corvallis, July 31st - P#617

life takes turns
there are no easy flows
no easy decisions
no easy directions:

life takes turns
you may be left
you may be center
you may be right
and all not for worse to wear, I presume:

life takes turns
but you can hardly overturn them
a direction once entered
cannot that easily be reversed
and a decision made
may have been made for a good reason


life takes turns for reasons

how now then for unreason?

I should probably not be an artist
should not even aspire to be one
should not even dare to do what I am itching to do
what IT is driving me to do

cannot I
aim for posterity too?

cannot I
take a shot at (relative) immortality
as well?

(had to put the relative in there - I may be a romantic sometimes -
but I do not want to be delusional:
in a thousand years,
will they read Shakespeare, Auster, Rowling, or Tolkien?)

(in a thousand years, we may all be dust and glad to be a memory at all)

(pray that the Pyramids at least survive)
(whoever comes after us should be as confused as we are)
(and, at the very least, inspired)

what gave me inspiration today?
that very old, tried and true, and depressingst of all, old adage:
memento mori
how nice it sounds
how cruel its meaning:

and yet, how true

life takes turns
but the final one
it will
in the end
without warning

what will you have done
till then?

tempus fugit

July 31st / November 3rd, 2013

Phil John Kneis:

धर्मः (Dharma) - DISSOLUTIONS XVIII:

Bend, August 24th, 2013 - P#618

this is not a stable world
things seem bobbing up and down now
cannot focus
cannot see
shaking all beyond its foundations
founded once proudly and surely
but now
here remains
but a pitiful shadow
a likeness
a form
a naked form
an idea stripped down
so much of its once fancy entourage
and apparatus:
finally then:
the naked meme
the empty signifier
floating there
what does it all mean?

all I can say
looking at the meme as such:

you tell me
can I have not a single clue
if of all my memes
you were my last:
and I am quite the lonely vessel now
the empty signified
holding hands
with the empty signifier
at the end
of the wor(l)d

August 24th / November 3rd, 2013

Phil John Kneis:

धर्मः (Dharma) - DISSOLUTIONS XIX:

Corvallis, September 3rd, 2013 - P#619

there're voices sometimes in the night
they're calling me, seductively,
to listen quite intent'ly thus
to lead me quietly into
another world
another place:

and yet I sense
that something's wrong
that some things are'nt
quite what they seem
what they should seem
were they to be seen:

appear they though
as real as life
just dreams deep down
is all they are;
and all I see
is world without end

and ask I shall now:
do sleep I or wake
the answer's not quite
what I would expect:
in retrospect
all life is dream, all dream is life?

September 3rd / November 3rd, 2013

Phil John Kneis:

धर्मः (Dharma) - DISSOLUTIONS XX:

Corvallis, September 9th, 2013 - P#620

a sleepness night can reach you
more than you ever wanted to be reached

a sleepness night can teach you
more than you ever wanted to be taught:

your life
as you think it is
is not quite controlled by the ego, my dear

the id takes over
in moments of frailty
in moments of stress
of normality challenged
and wronged;

the id
the primal identifier
lowest (?) base
and clearest sign
we're all just apes
barely evolved
apes with bling, maybe
in houses, ticky-tacky ones,
still, deeply, subconsciously, waiting to please the id
on a much grander scale

some tend to snack in the night
some seem to fill it with, let's call it romance,
some tend to mark off their territory
some do it by using poison gas
some by claiming to prevent it from happening:

it's not really
kill or be killed
but rather
a constant negotiation
over appreciation
whose side
holds more merit
whose side
holds more je ne sais quoi

I wish I could believe other things other times
and I do
yet whenever I return to a night rejecting my need for sleep
(maybe wanting me to write?)
I realize
the crazy things happening
at the dead of night
(and would you not have to be up at night pondering such decisions, my dears)

so that basically
all of us
are given
yet another demonstration
of the power of it
of the power of id
and of the relative weakness
of ego and super ego

I dimly remember
Nietzsche warning of this
yes, you should read the strange and depressing ones
they know the night
and thus
the day

oh, how more urgent then this wish becomes:
good night to all
good luck even more
and peace be on earth

yeah, right
as if optimism could save us here

September 9th / November 3rd, 2013

Phil John Kneis:

धर्मः (Dharma) - DISSOLUTIONS XXI:

Corvallis, September 24th, 2013 - P#621

don't I know
things are complicated
ain't not easy
rather terrifyingly complex

don't I know it
communicate I may attempt
yet won't succeed that eas'ly here:
on this here planet of denial

do I know it
life is not an open book
and there are many different ways
of not answering the questions most pertinent

do I know
I wish I knew
for all I ever want to know
is: how are you doing, really, and what can I do to make it better?

(and maybe, just maybe, some one will ask me for reals as well, just please?)

September 24th / November 3rd, 2013

Phil John Kneis:

धर्मः (Dharma) - DISSOLUTIONS XXII:

Corvallis, October 2nd, 2013 - P#622

we are kidding ourselves
and happily
and knowingly

see we images of suffering and pain
the thought of empathy
pushed aside initially
by the sigh of relief: it's not me


it is just easier
to see the other
simply as other

but the self
remains an illusion
as well
in this game of deceit

October 2nd / November 3rd, 2013

Phil John Kneis:

धर्मः (Dharma) - DISSOLUTIONS XXIII:

Pendleton, September 20th, 2013 - P#623

where am I now?
and does this matter?
yet another place to be gone to
to be going
to be gone:

life passes by so slowly sometimes
so we decide
let's pass it by
on our own
get a kick out of it
seeing the sights
and sounds
of Evermore:

who am I now?
and does this matter?
yet another moment to go through
to be going
to be gone

death passes by so slowly sometimes
so we decide
let's pass it by
on our own
get a kick out of it
seeing the sights
and sounds
of Nevermore:

quoth' the raven indeed

September 20th / November 9th, 2013

Phil John Kneis:

धर्मः (Dharma) - DISSOLUTIONS XXIV:

Corvallis, November 16th, 2013 - P#624

where I am now
everyone I once knew
back home
is merely a memory
a voice, occasionally
a visit, so rarely now

change is quite so underestimated
in its preparation, it's unreal
in its happening, it's strange
and real it becomes, almost in passing
through the passing
of time

does time know?
does time care?
does time matter?
how do I bear
being split apart
into continents adrift
and past, present, future so disjoint?

November 16th / December 9th, 2013

Phil John Kneis:

धर्मः (Dharma) - DISSOLUTIONS XXV:

Corvallis, January 13th, 2014 - P#625

What kind of planet is this, you ask?

If someone found a unicorn,
a most precious single unicorn,
to be preserved for all of us,
a wond'rous miracle to behold,
someone else,
would hunt it,
kill it,
sell it,
eat it.

Just because.

January 13th, 2014

Phil John Kneis:

धर्मः (Dharma) - DISSOLUTIONS XXVI:

Corvallis, May 26th, 2014 - P#626

I guess, a sign of advancing age
is the sense of advancing loss:
all too many people I've known
and that were so dear to me
that have been important
in so many ways
have faded away
due to time, work, family, distance

how did this happen? Why does this happen?
so I am left only with a memory
and a cut-off understanding of who they now are:
this disturbs me, and it's a feeling of utter helplessness
and a reminder
that the little time you have, you better use
and even though there once may have been a spark
and a connection so perfect and grand

the connection is lost now
and people become memories
shadows, specters even
and my life
friend by friend
moment by moment
till I, myself, need not care anymore.

I'm not quite there

May 26th / August 3rd, 2014

Phil John Kneis:

धर्मः (Dharma) - DISSOLUTIONS XXVII:

Corvallis, August 2nd, 2014 - P#627

for K.

maybe it's because I ain't no big philosopher
but there is just one little wisdom I've learned
just one little big saying
that to me
is all I must teach you, my child:

memento mori
remember you'll die

I know, you are too young just now
and life is all ahead of you
and family and friends are all around you
nothing ever would change that, would it?

memento mori
mind well that you'll die

and if you do,
and you love someone, now is your chance to show it.
and you miss someone, now is your time to call them.
and you've hurt someone, now is your time to repent to them
and you've been less a person than you should have, now grow
and you've been meaning to help, then now do
and you've been pushing your dreams by the side, now reconsider them

memento mori
you'll only live once

life is a gift
and if there's one sin, it's to squander what's given to you
be mindful of that
and discover, explore, create, lose yourself, find it again, and live
(within reason, of course, I'm your grandfather, after all, so nothing too crazy)

memento mori
remember to live, and hang on to it, death comes on its own

nothing can ever be so bad
that you'd want to sacrifice it all
the world is ambiguous at best
the love that you need is the love you create -
for if you truly, selflessly love, you'll be loved
maybe not in the way that you hoped, but the way that you need it

memento mori
remember dying

you're alive because others are not anymore
you're standing on the shoulders of so many people
so many families, tribes, nations, humanity, evolution, the whole world, nay, universe even
as Carl Sagan once said, we're all star stuff
as the Doctor once said, he has never met anyone who was not important
you are important
but you're not alone:
you're everyone
you're humanity
you're life
you're the universe
in itself,
world without end:
no pressure, as they say; and everything within reason.
you are the legacy of everything before you:

memento mori
what will you leave behind?

August 2nd/3rd, 2014

Phil John Kneis:



Corvallis/Eichwalde, March 28, 2014 - December 31, 2024 - P#628






the alternative road
taken or not
will lead it back to the woods
or into the desert
across the sea
to farthest stars
or is it an ambling road
leading to a garden
a city
or ruins,
after all?


we've been claiming
we've been displaced
from a garden so pretty
a garden so perfect
a garden so grand
that nothing much better
would ever've existed:
and then
woman (allegedly) chose to listen to snake
and to seek truth
and here we are
(allegedly) screwed


the promise of paradise
is quite an outrageous one:
of perfect a happiness
and a status closest to the divine:
a garden, of course, in the dunes, of the desert, what a sight!
yet now: do we get the function of the Garden still?
have we not
and made it something
sanitized, uplifting, and nice?
well, why the heck not, I'd like to say
why not exchange lofty goals
and heavy-handed, philosophical ones,
for something quite real,
yearn I for paradise?
who knows, if it even exists,
and I surely hope that if there's a god, it's a loving one, who'd know what I mean
in the meantime
I'd just like to,
in my little mundane and quite real
version of the myth-laden garden in the dunes:
I'd like to enjoy,
the here and there
without too much philosophizing
and just be
within nature, contained, and tamed,
my self



cogs are we
in the large scheme
of things
maybe, realizing this,
we've been claiming saviors of all sorts
protecting us
in a world without end
for ever and ever
such strangest a concept
and imagined, surely, more than anything else:
is a promise
and a curse
to those well aware
of their mortality
so then,
do we need to
artificially be
on living for ever?
taming nature
for culture to thrive?
taming the id
for the ego
to shine?
we are all just
grains of sand on the beach
hoping to have been counted
by a benevolent master -
while probably knowing (despite all our hope)
that all we are
is grains of sand
on the beach
and probably,
no master in sight
all our meaning
can only be constructed
by ourselves
hence, the panicking


seek order we
in the clear agreement
that all here is
is panic
and pain
and permanent, all-pervading loss
need we to impress ourselves
in our manic drive to create order everlasting
in a way mostly seen as permanent
as a governor, creator, maker, decider
seems, so much in life is beyond our control
while little areas seem manageable almost


these moments
where every thing is dressed in light
and every one is here
and every one feels close to me
and all is bright and fine and light:
I know,
an illusion,
but sometimes
some moments
make me see


Everything around you could come crumbling down any moment.

You need to cling to what is good and beautiful and useful in your life.

Strife is constant, and needs to be endured, fought when possible.

But life in itself is the ultimate value, and needs to be cherished, showing grace under pressure, a sense for the big picture over the small, and for the sanctity of your private life with family, friends and colleagues.

There should be sanctity in work as well, focusing on service, duty, camaraderie, and an ethos of true care and compassion, subsumed under the mission of the workplace.

The workplace should contribute to your fulfillment as a person, but you should never be a slave to it - and the personal needs to become a priority over the professional in terms of crisis.


you'd expect as cleanest a separation
between the genres of poetry and prose:
and yet,
don't they seem to be rather complementary?
there's poetry hidden
in the most driest descriptions of life;
and prose may create poetry
by just so desperately asking for it:
the expressions of life
should well be plentiful
and multiple:
for whose life is really just simple?


there is a line
of separation
between the darkness
and the light
a line
drawn in the sand
drawn with it, through it, and within it
(cum ipso et per ipso et in ipso)
this grain of sand
this community
of grains
in soil
and water
the darkness
and above
the light
the earth
and the air
and the fire that initially made it all
exploded it all
and the water that continually drowns it again
all four elements
in this structure
a network of roots in the darkness
a network of limbs in the air
drawing from both
being from both
needing both
in order to live:

this tree
in the garden
bearing this fruit
that mirrors the world
a tree of life
and a tree of death
the line
between innocence
and knowing


whether it be
like a living limb of the tree
or stealthily sneaking through the soft grass
you'll see it too late
and suddenly, it's there
looking at you
smelling you
with its dragon-like eyes
and inquisitive tongue:

a serpent
looks at you
as if it knows you
and it very well may:

this moving spine
a vertebrate redux
carries your ancestry

it forces you
to position yourself
to act
to react
to be still:

a question,
no more,
a challenge,
of course,
but always: your own

so don't you lay blame
at this innocent one:
a creature just as yourself:
in a world
that's waiting
in the wings
of your decision


why should fruit be forbidden?
especially, if it hangs from a tree
of much importance
by a formidable serpent
at this juncture
between darkness and light?

yes, life may be easy
and life may be good
and there's not many complaints, one could assume

and yet,
do not underestimate
the human capacity
for ennui
in paradise:
that insane boredom
only happy people
can dare
to display

and the thirst for a challenge
an adventure
a dare:
the urge
to take a risk
just because:

and, in the end,
do not we
deserve to know?
are we not gods
over life and death?

or, if not,
should we not be?

why not?


in his forward-thinking way
it seemed quite logical
to rebel
against the gods
and bring us
unworthy ones
the light
in hope
it would change us
transform us
elate us
remake us
in his image:

light-bringers we,
children of the bringer of fire,
the bringer of light

as he took fire
from his own divinity
and gave it to us
his divine light
with us mortal souls

this light-bringer, luci-fer,
this morning-star
in his fall from the gods
punished by the gods
redeemed us
by bringing us
eternal light

this morning-star
by an empire, by the gods,
this god that sided with us,
this god with us,
this morning star,

is the fruit of the rebellion
against the divine order
supported by a divine champion
and bringer of light
of culture
of art
of questioning
of revolution
of asking "why" and "no" and "why not?"

oh, how hast thou been demonized

and your revolution
has been undone
by dozing sheep

where there is light
must there be darkness

where there is order
must there be disorder

where there is joy
must there be pain

plus one minus one equals zero
zero equals minus one plus one

this nuclear collision
matter, antimatter, and light it creates
but light, once spoken, may create matter, antimatter

and nothingness
is a nothingness that is
that is containing
dueling opposing somethings
a circle of life in discourse caught

where there is pain
must there be joy

where there is disorder
must there be order

where there is darkness
must there be light


imagine we
to have been expelled
from paradise
from this garden
of perfection
of safety
of home:

and yet,
what place could that have possibly been
if we would not have known
the knowledge
over good and evil?

or maybe,
we are aware
that the way we live now
trapped within this torturous dichotomy
is far away from paradise,
and to know a world beyond,
Jenseits von Gut und Böse,
beyond "good" and "evil",
would truly be paradise

yet are truly we expelled?
or do we refuse to be at home?
delude we us
about whether we belong here
or not
in futile a notion
of resistance
and rebellion
and resentment?


I believed
so very naively
that truth will win out
that logic shall shine the way

right now,
oh so primitively,
emotions are ruling the day
emotions are ruining everything
that logic built

while logic
is not immune to lies,
and yet, there are procedures in place,
and truth can, will, shall out

the rule of emoting
knows just right
knows just wrong
no complexities or nuance
only tears,
false tears, mostly,
in the mission of resentment

we have become some rather devious fatherfuckers


to have to live
in this other place
this place far from home
is not quite ideal
but quite a seduction as well:
this grass can indeed be greener
and once you get used to the small list of things
(the excessive litany of things so different and so strange)
you might well find
that you like your new life:

this is the ultimate punishment:
to like your exile
and prefer it
over your home

you've now become a traitor
to your past self

have chosen
a prison of your own desire,
for your desire you have chosen,
have desired this choice,
this day,


this day
dies illa
this day of wrath
dies irae
in which the world is made soluble in dust
solvet seclum in favilla
as it was prophesied in some ancient book, to David by Sibyl
teste David cum Sibylla


I see wrath and rage and anger and despair
all around me now
it's sickening
times are difficult in 2018, apparently,

I cannot much change the world
I cannot much be listened to
not enough of a narcissist,
I fear

and yet
all this complaining
all this whining
on this date
this day
illa die

80 years

is that a call for rage?
it certainly is a call
for decency
for humanity
for reality
for surviving
for hope
and for Never Again


beneath it all
beneath our façade
lurks the real us
the real ego
the real id
and super-ego, also real

we are nothing but layers upon layers
the most intimate of the psyche
of the soul
guide and also betray us
but without them
we'd be blind
and yet, with then,

what do we see?


not always can we
towards a problem
sometimes just
we miss the mark
defy perfection
and go the other way

return we should
and try again
rethink perfection


there's regret
there'll always be regret
memory's too strong
and pulls us back
holds us tight
keeps us close
keeps it close
so it can strike
any moment


all our lives
are built
on the sacrifice of others
or unwilling
we live
because others
have suffered
have died
are suffering
are dying

this is not guilt-tripping
this is not overstating the case
this is simply
the facts

Jesus is just a symbol
for this world without end:
such suffering
needs to be meaningful
needs to be seen
to be redeeming

we need to be doing the redeeming though
it's our task
we need to be doing the saving as well
it's our task
the redeemer does not redeem without us
the savior does not save without us
redemption is not given, but earned
and you cannot be saved from complicity by denying it

but let us find a better sacrifice
not one that actually requires
the expulsion of the scapegoat into the desert:
let us at least try
in our messed-up life
we should at least try
even if we fail

let the sacrifice of others
mean something
for the world

suscipiat dominus sacrificium de manibus nostris
per saecula saeculorum


everything holy
is being profaned

some things thought holy
may need some critical reflection, though

yet does that mean
that nothing is holy?

that nothing is holy
other than to those claiming to be religious?

if nothing is holy
then what about you? your life? your own sanctity?

ecce homo:
this is the essence
of what we all are
of what we can be
of what we all will be

a fragile medium-sized bipedal ape
with, granted, some wits and some skills,
yet nevertheless,
a naked ape,
in an increasingly artificial habitat

can we keep violating
our own sanctity
for that much longer?

we've already profaned the planet
and everything else,
alas this last resort, the appeal to selfishness, to self-preservation:

do we not see
where this thing is headed?
if nothing at all
is sacred anymore,
then neither are us,
and all we are,
is homo sacer,
free to be destroyed
and tossed into flames
of quite our own making

let that day of wrath
never come
let this day here
be better
and let there be
holiness still:

otherwise, what would be the point?


we follow our guardians
as they must know best for us
they've raised us
fed us
taught us
loved us
kept us safe from harm
all the time

until now

do not underestimate
the possibly drastic nature of change

it has gone well up to this point
why worry?

but the past
is not prolog
yet it can be inspiration

you better watch out

Walter Benjamin
saw this painting
by Paul Klee
the new angel
Angelus Novus

seeing it,
recognizing something in it,
a sorry creature,
winged, but terrified,
looking at the past,
all's a catastrophic nightmare
pain upon pain upon pain
all piled up
he cannot turn back: a storm from Paradise won't let him
pushed into a future he cannot see
all he is facing
is the terror of the past
in the storm
called progress

there is no hope here
no solace either
sometimes, that simply
is not possible

Walter Benjamin
this new angel of scholarship
could not see a future for himself
when the storm of progress
brought the new demons
right up to him
as he was attempting his own flight
from his Nazi pursuers

is just too much

the noble soul
the questioning mind
knows, all too sadly,
that in the face of the brute,
the ignoble, the never questioning dullard,
the world of ideas and the world of brutal reality
are ill-matched,
as the Angel must surely have seen:
but in the long term,
the pen
is always mightier than the sword,
and even if be it the archeologist's brush:
for truth will out
and nobility
will triumph

and the work
will retain its aura

and the angel
will watch it
with terror and hope
all the same


we all hope
or are supposed to be hopeful
if hope had managed
to stick within us
for long enough
a time

yet it is fickle
will not last easily
and life
provides plenty of occasions
to diminish it
extinguish it
ridicule it
and such

with hope,
we may grow up
to do great things
in anticipation
of meaning
and, hopefully,
some accolades

without hope,
we can finally see
that success is delusion,
accolades empty,
community void,
and life is just life
for the sake of life:
for the sake of itself
and, certainly,
not for us


can be horribly destructive:
as it removes hope
against hope
and brings certainty
whether it is wanted, needed, or not

not knowing
can indeed be better
than knowing

we fought for the right to eat from the tree
yet all it got us
was heartache and pain

surely, freedom, somehow -
but Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Rockwell might mightily
disagree with you:
freedom from fear
might just be
even more powerful
and enticing:

I know I should know certain things
yet I would prefer
to be left alone sometimes
in my self-chosen cave, or bubble,
content, foolishly, for sure,
that the world is good,
that people are good,
that everything will turn out alright in the end,
and that there will be no end.

the next time I am put into a perfect Garden,
I might not be that eager to leave,
I might accept my beautiful prison
for the caring gesture it carries:
only perfect beings
can survive an imperfect world
perfectly unharmed:
yes, let me be a child again
to believe the lies
to carry this faith
to be certain
once, just one time more,
that hope is merited.

delusion's the sweet drink of forgetfulness
about the realities of life
that we all



there's something there
something that surely is there
I am quite sure it's there
but I don't want to look
I don't even want to think about it
the matter
the thing
(the person?)
I am quite able
to look the other way
to not engage
to not allow
my thoughts
my feelings
my stance
be distracted
by whatever
is there

I can try to go around it
certainly, if I won't see it, it won't see me
(oh, it sees me, whether animate or inanimate)
it does not help to see things as inanimate
as you would only downplay
their power over you:
no, things are quite animate:
they exert a pull and give you a push and simply
to remind you
they're there

now that may sound like quite the paranoia
maybe so

I just cannot ignore
this presence
any more
I need to evade it
need to ignore it
need to
shut out
shut off
shut up!

there's something I did
or did not do
that I should have done
or rather not
it's killing me inside now so
and I don't quite seem to know
or fail to realize
or fail to acknowledge
what it is:
I know
to not
to know

immobilize it would me, easily
maybe it has succeeded already
thoughts are racing
heart is racing
my mind is facing
a notion inconvenient:

a garden is a place to stay

I do understand though why we left

and yet: we were not prepared for what would await us
we still are not
we still
are just children
ignorant, not innocent anymore,
refusing to be growing up

it is evading
such a realization
that would have made denial
much easier

but we know
we really know
and the issue
is shame
the issue
is guilt
the issue
is regret

we are not
the chosen ones
we are not
we are quite
even more so,

maybe it's easier
after all
to evade
all this

maybe though


and yet,
all the denial
will not help
and only push along
the clearly inevitable:

giving in
does not mean
giving up
but merely an acceptance
of the unavoidable
and the embracing
or opportunity


and then
maybe a friend
asks you
for a favor

or, someone reasonably
tells you about a problem
you need to solve

you're a reasonable person
who will do reasonable things
in a reasonable way
in a reasonable timeframe

A does x
B does y
C does z

A knows not B knows not C

yet x leads to y leads to z

maybe you were told
that if something does not change
your life however would
quite drastically
and how would you react

sometimes, people are forced
rather directly

most times, people are choosing
the least resistant path

who can blame them

seriously, who?


behold, the willing executioner!
he is the 'z' in the plan laid out before
where all the 'x's had to happen,
all the 'y's be satisfied
by random people
with just enough of an ounce of morality missing
that knew they not (so they claim)
and would have differently chosen (so they claim)
had only they known
of this endgame of some finitude

we all value our little lives
so much more
than the lives of others
far too often

and so,
we are not just like wolves,
non sunt homines hominibus lupi:
it is much worse:
a wolf does what needs doing,
without malice,
without depravity entering into it:
at least, not usually:
but we
to do what we do:

we are
quite willing executioners:
we learned that from the tree, of course:
so that, having come closest to divinity,
we share in its grandiosity,
divine deluded creativity,
its madness, fury, scorn, it all:
believe us little gods to be
and like a god
we like to smite

left paradise we
to create heaven on earth?

but we haven't seen heaven,
so all we could do
is create hell on earth
whenever we choose

for who
is to stop us?


we are all
we can be all
is without limits
without limitations all:

are angels we
and devils also
genius minds
and dimly witted
capable of noblest deeds
and the most depravity

all roles, in principle, are known to us:
the world, indeed, is quite the stage
and we are actors in it all
quite suited for each every role

we are all
but all we are
is nothing
in the end

what remains
are the moments
when we chose
to be
who we needed to be
not that which denies life


"I am god
I am the devil
I am all answers
and all questions
I am all matter
and all anti-matter
I am the mind
I am the soul
I am all good
I am all evil
I am all that
I am all nothing
I am the Alpha
and the Omega"

hearing that
we heard the message
saw the deeds
and saw the garden
and saw everything
as it was made
for us
to us
with all our hopes
with all our dreams
with all our potentiality
it all:

and here it was
the path to knowledge
path to truth
and path to life:

are parents not
examples to children?
are parents not
the past to their future
is past
not prologue?

shall not then
to the same?

shall not then
claim the throne
for ourselves?

there are two trees
in this garden of life:

the tree of knowledge
tree of wisdom
tree of knowing all that is
good from evil
right from wrong
past from present
north from south
and east from west
soft from hard
and strong from weak:
all the universe
in all the majesty
laid out
in front of us:
why not
to grasp,
to take,
to see,
to hear,
to wake?

thus first,
we know
that we need to know:
we hear
that we need to hear:
we see
that we need to see:
and ours it shall be

knowing full well
that in this acceptance of our fate
reject we must
the boundaries laid in front of us

thou shalt not?
thou shalt not tell us
any longer
who we are
and what we can do:

so shall we then
who we are:

for we are god
we are the devil
we are all answers
and all questions
we are all matter
and all anti-matter
we are the mind
we are the soul
we are all good
we are all evil
we are all that
we are all nothing
we are the Alpha
and the Omega

who shall we blame this on,
this insight,
this logical choice?

we blame you,
the light-bringer,
the lover of humanity
and finder of potential
and enabler of desire:
for we well know
that you and the one
are one and the same,
are the old Alpha
and the old Omega:

but we are the new
and we shall listen
to all our desires
and shall give in
to all our temptations
for devil may care,
we certainly don't

and so we shall
go back to the tree
and eat from it
so that we shall have knowledge
in order to seek life


what sin
could be the one
called original:
both, an original, creative act,
but also, the sin that stands
at the origin of our existence

for what could possibly be original:
I am hearing voices here all over
everyone is with me, talking to me, singing at me,
I feel the presence of the everyone,
not nothing, never nothing:
the presence sublime of all there is
it's here, around me, within me,
and we're all searching
and we're all asking
if sin is failure, a lack of perfections,
then let us rejoice! for human we are,
imperfect we are quite by design,
the design of evolution so perfect
in its accumulation of imperfections

but now,
if our original sin is our imperfection,
and our yearning for better,
rejoice again! for we are not gods
and shall nor claim to be,
but neither will we apologize
for attempting to learn
to see right from wrong
to live and to know
to grow and to make

if our sin
is to be human:
I welcome the charge
and will attempt
through every day of mine here life
to live in hope and expectation
in seeking truth
in speaking truth
in aiming to get closer to divinity
without ever
reaching it


and yet
if our sin
is that original
that embedded
in our origin
how would we know?
how could we know?
for certainly,
we lack the humility
to truly
what really are
what really we could become
if only
we had not just eaten from the fruit of the tree:
but also understood
what we were supposed to learn

so maybe,
just maybe,
our truly original sin
is to indeed
in our own divinity:
for why else
after having left the garden
we have been so incompetent,
and sometimes, utterly unwilling,
to grow a new one,
plant the seeds
we too for ourselves?

for don't you see:
it's not about
the garden we left
it's always about
the garden
we are refusing to tend


and amongst this all,
life moves along
till it doesn't


all we have
is a tiny moment
in time
a tiny fraction
of eternity
in a tiny corner
of all that is

and yet,
it matters


no life is too small
no life too insignificant
no life more important
no life bigger in the scheme of things:
for all of us
in the beginning
and in our end
are human we:
and all-too human

// //

for this is
what good is:
to serve life
and let it thrive

and this is
what evil is:
to destroy it

// / //

for this is
what good is:
to live
in the pursuit of love
for everyone

for this is
what evil is:
to live
in the pursuit of hate
for even just one

/// ///

and the pursuit of love
is the pursuit of life
and the opposite of hate

for the pursuit of hate
is the pursuit of death
and the opposite of love

/// / ///

life is life
for the sake of life

love is love
for the sake of love:

for life is love
and love is life


the cat can look so innocent
as he is ogling his little prey
he intends to kill
for nothing but pleasure

the squirrels fight
over an abundance of food
rather than wait in line:
it's all about dominance

two trees
standing next to each other
looking all calm and pretty
while waging chemical warfare
to secure their own space

if this is Eden
I may need to reconsider
the meaning
of paradise


and yet,
who do I side with?
who am I to pick a side?

the question at hand -
of what would be good,
and what would be evil -
am I to judge?
are we, as humans?


does a virus
for what it does?
and yet, its nature is to do
what it does:
judge we
merely from its effect
on us?

what does a fire do
but to burn?
what if my house should be in its way?
what does an earthquake do
but relieve pressure
for what's underneath:
should I be its judge
were my house in its way?
should a mountain lion
see me as her prey
were I to walk in the woods:
who would I blame?

different questions these are
from those who now follow:

were I to slay my brother
for some selfish desire;
were I to steal, to rob, or to kill,
to lie, to betray, or to cheat
for any other reason than to desperately survive
or protect someone else:
would not a choice I have had?
would I not
be judged?

but if these sins
were in our nature -
a dangerous if, I'm quite here aware -
they might still be sins,
I might be a sinner,
and evil the deeds,
but evil the doer?

if I were to
lose my mind
in a mere moment
to gain it again
far too late:
would that one moment
be all to define me,
would that one moment
define all my life,
define all my being?

can evil be done
without the doer be evil?

but if the doer were evil
down to their core:
and evil desires,
and evil deeds
would define their way,
define their being:
but then
that person
would do something good,
would that undo the evil
that was their normality?

what about grace?
what about repentance?
what about forgiveness?

shall condemn we the deed
as much as the doer?

shall weigh we
the good
with the bad
and label it thus?

what if an evil act
were to bring about goodness
as a mere reaction?

is not negation
part of creation?

for thus spake Mephistopheles,
as Johann Wolfgang would say:
"I am the spirit
that always denies,"
"part of that force
who in desiring evil,
creates the good but always"?

// //

is not the one
testing Job
for his faith
God themselves,
giving mere license to the Devil,
to do as told?

is not Lucifer's rebellion
the very act
God wanted him
to perform?

was not Prometheus
to defy the gods?

does Shiva not tell us
there can't be creation
without negation?

does Wotan not tempt
the forces to be?

for energy
can never be created,
only transformed:

and whatever "God" is,
is neither good
nor evil
nor anything
we could ever imagine:

for God
and Nature
cannot be judged
by their creation:
for tricksters they are:
the ultimate authority
and ultimate rebel
at the same time


at the edge of paradise
one more glance
at what we're leaving behind,
one more thought
about the gravity of thinking,
one more dream
about the possibility of utopia

can't stay we?
can't dream we?
can't break we
the wheel of Fortuna?

as enamored as we may be
with the possibility of possibility
this nagging, boring insight
into necessity
is giving way
to a sigh:

and on we go
as we shall
and must



it all has been a mistake;
for certainly,
who leaves a garden
who sets about
into the desert, the wilderness,
if you could stay
and live
in Paradise?

and furthermore,
who throws their children
out of their home
they'll suffer,
they'll long to return

could we not
have simply been made
to forget
all we had learned
from the fruit
of the tree
of knowledge:
about good, about evil,
about how to tell them apart?

for certainly,
how many snakes
will there be in a garden?

and who puts a flaming sword
at the entrance
of paradise
so that your children
won't ever return?


only an idiot
would tell such a tale,
behave in such ways,
or understand them thus

reader dearest,
methinks the metaphor
is bursting at its seams;
in my defense,
it isn't mine
but I understand
that the messenger 'll be blamed


(how strange
we assume
people back then
were aliens
to metaphor and parables:
they weren't;
but surely, we've seem to have become
exactly that:
unthinking literalists,
critics of a complexity
beyond our own quite understanding)

// //

the sword is time
the garden is childhood
the tree is puberty and adolescence,
Adam is body, Eve is the soul,
and the snake
is the trickster within:

or maybe
this is again too simple
too reductive
and too much focused
on cracking a code
than seeing metaphor
as an invitation
to meditate
on divinity
and humanity:

// / //

and in the end,
all it shows:

we're just unable, or simply unwilling
to build a paradise
or even stay in the one
that was made for us

for we are quite brilliant
at destroying
our only habitat,
our planet,
it all

so if I owned paradise,
I'd throw this ungrateful bunch out as well,
and see that the garden's protected
by the flaming sword
for ever and ever


go we through life
in such frequent expectation
that no matter what happens,
the past stays with us,
we can always go home,
and there'll always be
a second chance

is the definition of youth

we'll see
that everything flows
everything fades
will turn to nothing

the streets I walked
how different they look
now after so many years

places once easily accessible
have become distant
to the degree of impossibility

but nothing beats
the inevitability
of the victims of time

of the people I know
so many of them
have become people I knew

the home I once knew
is not the same as it used to be:
all it needs
in stead of a flaming sword
is the passing of time
that will remove paradise
for us
so most cruelly


the world out there
filled it all
with life,
with majesty,
with greatness:

and fill we shall it
with imagination
with hope
and a sense of wonder:

the garden had become small,
we needed to outgrow it
and make our stand
in this here world
and make it our own

and yes, we'll still remain tempted
to somehow return:
but rather, let's build it for real
by own our hands
in own our image
for all our desires and hopes all our own


now what has been our rebellion's aim?
have risen we up
against paradise itself?
or against the very order of things?
the order of divinity?
or the order of nature herself?

have rebelled we
so we can be rebels
so we can permanently stand
where no one else would dare to stand?

is our rebellion
a stance of distance then,
or is it rather
another form of closeness,
of wanting to understand
on a higher level:
of wanting to become
instead of being told,
of wanting to understand
instead of shallow conformance,
of wanting, finally, to act
on our own quite hope and vision?

it requires distance,
requires rebellion,
to arrive at the same place
yet as quite different a person,
a people,
a world



what shall we call now
this world,
this place,
this vastness
of creation
assembled all
before our very eyes?

what names shall we give
to all here around us?

what power shall have we
over all this around us?

what role shall we play
in this here oh so strangest world?

name we
what can tame we?

name we
so that we can tame?
so that we can conquer?
so that we can control?
or pretend to, anyway?

and name we
all those before us,
all those who made us
who we now are:
as they have named us

and shall remember
or forget we?

shall dictate we
how memories
shall be shaped
in generations to come?


shall remain silent we
about those
we do not approve of,
now, in the aftermath?

shall declare we
the damnation of memory
of those
whose memory
could be seen as too dangerous?

and yet,
the Akhenatens of this world
are still remembered
and so is their legacy
alive and well:

and we may believe
we can bury the truth
bury the names
bury the names
just as we may well bury this world:
once we are done with it
and have used it all up:
but the spirit of those
who dared to question
dared to envision
and dared to see:
their spirit remains

and even those names
that should, perchance, no longer be spoken,
they, too, will haunt this world,
like a bad aftertaste
they will continue
to linger
and show
that we have indeed left the garden
and all we have made
it's quite on us
whether we like it
or would rather not know of it
any longer


but whatever we think
may not matter at all:

whatever we want
may not matter at all:

for we are just
another link in the chain
just steps on the way
from the past to the future
just another name
to be added
to the list
of existence


what comes after us
is prepared by us
maybe guided by us
but must outlive us
must redefine us
must move on
and move ahead:

who comes after us
is who we need to prepare
is who we need to guide
is who will make us obsolete
and who will show us
we're not all that,
but just another brick
in the road to the future

that road
will be travelled
by lovers,
fathers, mothers,
brothers, sisters,
children, friends
and unknown people,
by farmers, makers,
givers, takers,
soldiers, preachers,
plumbers, teachers,
doctors, undertakers,
builders, destroyers,
recyclers, outfitters,
inventors, peddlers,
killers, healers,
bad and good alike,
rich and poor,
young and old,
human and animal,
all will travel
that road through time
whether the road
sits on the land,
continues on water,
plots into air
or projects into space

this long road
not of return,
not of cyclicality,
but of circles changing,
the same not, but different:

for why should we
always again:

there will be the odd chance
for some form of change,
maybe a reinvention,
maybe even revolution,
something new,
we have not seen before:

we will just see
the same old story
with a different cast

whatever it be:
must go on


all we are
may simply be
a step
towards something else:
and it may be
our creation
rather than procreation
we'll leave behind
in the end

but aren't we all
just information
into a form
with others like us?

are not our genes
just nature's code
translating text
into proteins,
into building blocks
of life
as we know it:

what is so different then
about code made by us,
translated to programs,
running on hardware,
the building blocks
of technology
and of life
yet to come:

what about
the soul?

have found a way we
to discriminate
between life
seen as equal
and life
seen as inferior:

and what we have done
to all life non-human
we'll possibly do
to life artificial

and still
we'll claim
that only humans
can have a soul:

how quaint
and how arrogant

when look
into the eyes of an animal I,
I do see thought
I see emotion
I see communication
I see life,
with abilities different,
but life just the same:

and all
are our relatives

when I project
our technology
that's yet to come,
don't build we that
which we understand?
don't program we that
which we understand?
are not our creations
the outflow of us?

for we will be parents
to minds electric:
just as our own neurons
conduct it as well

God help us
if fail we should
in our responsibility
to accept life
whatever it is


from time to time
we shall be tested
shall be probed
and shall be shown
for who we are
and what
we are made of
and if
we are worthy
to live
for yet another day:

and we
shall never forget
that nature
merely tolerates us:
but in the greater scheme of things
we are nothing
but just another experiment
in the universe
of life:

though nature has cared
just enough
to keep us go on
for now:
it will be on us
whether the flood yet to come
will wipe us away
just like that


it does not need a flood
or utter catastrophe
to challenge us
throughout our lives

this life
this troublesome life
can pose a burden
all by itself:

and too easily
we are seduced
by the promise to be returned
to paradise
quite in our lifetime

and all this trouble, all this toil
that's coiling up around us so
and wraps us up
in all those ways
that trouble us
in all our days:

it's life,
and strife
is never far:
and too precious this
to let it go
too easily:
and though we feel sometimes we're cursed,
a blessing life quite is instead,
and all our task here simply is
to make it count
and be a blessing
to the world ourselves

everything is cyclical,
they say

everything flows,
they say

what goes around, comes around,
they say

or so it goes

and quite indeed:
whatever we call life
it's rather temporary
whatever we call death,
turns into something feasted upon
and transformed
into new life:

or so it goes

may attempt we
to tame
the rawness of nature
the rawness of life:
and yet,
all these erratic attempts
will fail
in time:

for entropy
is stronger
than any of us:

all we can hope for
is to have stemmed the tide
rolling in
for just a blink of an eye
in the larger scheme of it all:

and death
the great leveler
finds us all
in the end:
just as it gave us all
a beginning
back then

so what, you may ask,
is then the meaning
of this all?

oh, silly child,
still looking for meaning
within that
which simply is
and always was
and always will be:

for life itself
is the meaning
in itself


if we were to
into the woods:
we'd surely not
to make our home
within them

our homes have transformed
the woods
into wood:
into particle board
and thrown away:
to be burned:
wooden pellets
which have removed
even the trace of life
that firewood still has:

we've sanitized
we've urbanized
we've civilized:

and now
we walk
into the woods no more
but into the forest:
our trails lead the way
(following deer paths, perchance):

and while we've succeeded
to tame nature
all around us,
we haven't tamed
the rapaciousness
of our desire
to dominate
it all:

to reduce nature
to a garden
of own our making

we've even managed
to become
our own serpent

how about that


there is no desert
that can compare
in lifelessness
to what we have made:

our concrete landscapes
neat and tidy
walkways clean
landscapes of industrial rock
and parking lots
as testament
to our dominion
over all

is this the paradise
we've been dreaming about?
is this the land
of milk and honey?

it may well be
and certainly,
it could very well be:
for us
for now

but why
are we feeling
so empty


plenty of fish in the sea
there used to be

as we have conquered
and we have explored
and we have searched
and we have found
and we have built
our empires
on the sea

where once there was mystery
once there were tales
of strangest creatures
and peoples
and places
where monsters
in the deep:

we have seen
we haven't anymore;
we're seeing
that we seem
to have seen
it all

the horizon
is no longer a sign of promise
but merely yet another waypoint
to be transgressed


have looked we
at the stars
at night:
the splendor,
the canvas,
the grandiose display
of the galaxy,
the universe

now intermingled all
with satellites
and flying machines
and lit up
by the lights
of our cities:

and our sight
has gone dim:

and soon
there may be lights
on the Moon,
on Mars,
on distant planets,
asteroids and moons
as aim we
to head into space:

yet another mystery
in our image;

yet another garden
into work-life-unbalance
and things
to be done
and us
by the un-naturality
of it all

does the sublime
stand a chance
against the dominion technological
we've chosen to venerate

when reach we
for the stars,
aim we
only to find
another office
waiting for us
out there?


now, just make sure
to fence in
your garden,
so that life
may not spill over
into it:

so that you can loudly exclaim,
"it's mine"
your very own slice
of the dominion
promised to us
by our ego
and our sense
of superiority:

homo sapiens
the self-proclaimed "wise" one
having succeeded
in killing wisdom,
in hedging in nature,
in fencing in life
to make it all
and tightly controlled

once we'll succeed,
no blade of grass
no beating of wings
no scurrying of little animals
nor the big ones either:

just us
and the asphalt
and the manicured lawn
where we can hold court
together with the chosen court-jesters, our pets:

ain't nature grand
if you don't have to live in it
anymore ever?

and so,
we keep lying to ourselves,
thinking us to be superior:
yet nature always wins
and the universe
keeps laughing
at our lack
of humility
and wisdom


and thus,
we wall ourselves in,
enclose our selves
in this prison
of own a making:

is this the freedom
we once were seeking
when we dreamt to be eating
the fruit from the tree?


and as we are now
tucked in
so tightly
in tiny rooms
in tiny houses
tiny gardens
tiny minds:

who is it
that shall belong with us?

who is it
that shall be relation to us?

for just as we chose
to limit the nature
around us

shall we not choose
to limit the people
around us
as well?


here we are
here we all are

on New Year's Eve
of the Year of the Lord
Twenty-Twenty Four


there are 10 people in the orbit of Earth:

on the International Space Station, we have:
Sunita Williams (NASA, 352 days in space)
Butch Wilmore (NASA, 496 days in space)
Don Pettit (NASA/Roskosmos, 446 days in space)
Aleksey Ovchinin (Roskosmos, 451 days in space)
Ivan Vagner (Roskosmos, 272 days in space)
Nick Hague (NASA/SpaceX, 262 days in space)
Aleksandr Gorbunov (SpaceX/Roskosmos, 59 days in space)

and on Tiangong space station, we have:
Cai Xuzhe (CMSA, 210 days in space)
Song Lingdong (CMSA, 28 days in space)
Wang Haoze (CMSA, 28 days in space)

10 brave human heroes
on our only two outpost in space
plus our mechanical heroes
charting the solar system
right now
around the Sun, the Moon, the Earth,
Mars, Mercury, and asteroids,
with Curiosity and Perseverance still roving on Mars
and Voyager 1 and 2 still heading out


everyone else
is on the planet

all more than 8 Billion of us

all of us
on this blue marble
in space
with just a few
hovering above

how fragile we are
on fragile a home
so brilliantly alive
so recklessly threatened

this is our garden
our only garden
in space:

these are our Woods
these are our Deserts
these are our Seas
around, are our Stars

here, built we our Roads
here, nurtured our Gardens,
here, built we our Cities
here, left are our Ruins

we may have left our garden
somewhere in the depths of time
and stories
on Earth:

but we have not yet left Earth,
our Garden in space:
for we may think
we're all grown up on Earth,
but we certainly
are infants when it comes to space:

so, as we keep looking
for the proverbial tree
that opens space for us:
are we prepared
to step outside?
just for the sake
of transgressing
the frontier?


out there
space and time
have formed a mystery
so masterful
so full of wonder
full of terror
full of beauty
full of sublimity
divine a multiverse
out there;
in here, in us,
contain we
only the smallest bits
the star dust
that once made us
and the star dust
to which we will return


we attempted
to rise beyond
our limitations:

once, it is said,
we defied a garden,
preferring to work for it
rather than staying children forever

then, it is said,
we built a tower,
uniting all in sacred work
to reach perfection
and understanding

third time's the charm
are we ready
to try again?
to rise beyond
what held us back before?

and we will grow
and we will live
and we will die
and we will love
and we will fight
and we will win
and we will lose
and we will show:


shall further
our enterprise
our discovery
our defiance
as our voyage
leads us on
and on
and on

whatever we've done,
whatever has happened,
whatever bad will happen still
(and it will):
whatever Pandora's box
let out,
always remains
can always be nurtured
is always possible
and necessary:
but hope
has to be fought for
every day:
and insisted upon
so that it will guide us
so that we
once again
And make
What we can
What new is then
To climb to the stars
Defy all nears and fars
In all our days and the nights
To gather new places and sights
Climb up we will now, up to the wake
Appear all then will and all is at stake.

by the Garden inside
seek we
for something new
for someone new
out there
in the darkness
by an infinity
of stars
and life

ad astra
per aspera

September 6th, 2015 - December 31, 2024