And so it begins, Again, And so let's recite, Again, And so then just tell, Again, And in the before The answer to seek That strike it now may And move to the front - And answers believed in, The task then to be - And answers, believing, The task to define The task now to tell To tell their tale Themselves almost, Objecti-fied, Quite authorized And made just true enough to be - And made just whole enough to see - A golem like, just words that spoken, Stumble they in real a shape In real-made figure, Fiction-fact, Efficted factum ('s that a word?) And then, Again, It all starts to move The words have been formed Have taken their form De-formed now the minds De-formed now the questions De-formed the agendas and things in behind.
And so it begins! What silent then was Will thence come to speak And hence we shall hear And here now quite see - Believing the lie - For, as we all know: All lies then to lead To the truth Out there To the truth That's not To a truth So believed in So entangled Invited Believed to exist - And now, kai nun The scheme shall repeat Repeat but itself - Repeat from itself, by itself, for its own - An active, not passive - Passivity past - And action demanded - "To make" is a primer A motto, a myth - But what, my friend, is it, And what is to do? What's then that we can do - Can do we at all?
And so it begins? What "it" does it be? What "so" does it mean? What is there to come? To start? To commence? And then, what's before? The truth? Or just nil? And, too, a "before" Would need then a "now", An "after" then, too - And time is the name The signified something The signal or word, The noun, just a name, just a nomen to start with - A signifier just Signifying what? And then, Do we know A land before time? A place beyond space? A space-time that's - not?
And so it began. What does that imply! Is time just a given, And past so unknown? So human a concept! Material all - Just "time" - just a given? Just "time" - and no clue? For time equals death And time equals birth And time equals "life", The thing in between - The distance to crawl The distance to make The distance to fight - The distance to break - A time-walker we Like sleep-walkers almost - And all then to fit To what we perceive?