Introduction:Phase Two is the phase of mostly undisturbed images, the phase of continuity and stability, of a relatively tight thematic surrounding. It is a phase of consolidation, favoring the romantic and the idyllic over the erratic. This is usually not a phase of experimenting, but rather an attempt at smoothness. The color is blue, the blue of harmony and of the evening sky approaching darkness. see also:
Transitional Series between Phases Two and Three:
' series in Phase 1 and 2 rescanned and extended by June 2010 " series in Phase 1 and 2 rescanned and extended by May 2011 Cams:
F828: Sony DSC F828,
H50: Sony DSC H50,
W55: Sony DSC W55,
F505: Sony DSC F505V,
F828h: Sony DSC F828 + H50, F828w: Sony DSC F828 + W55, H50w: Sony DSC H50 + W55, UW: Fuji QSnap Underwater, SA: Samsung AF Zoom 1050, BE: Beirette SL 100N, PHON: Cell Phone Cam |
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