Phase One chronicles my musical beginnings. Its compositions are dominated by liturgical contexts - a Mass, early Songs for Liturgy and Meditation, and my Requiem - out of which eventually grew Symphony 1. The overarching style is Classical, with strong Romantic groundings. Content-wise, my musical Phase One aligns with some of my religious poems, specifically Group 2: Transitio and Group 4: Laudatio (in German), but also parts of Group 13: Circumscription, specifically Syllogy VI: Requiem.
Yet the timeline is a bit more complicated - and it explains why the phase ordering is a bit different. Most works in Phase One took years to finish: Symphony I took 19 years, Symphony II (from Phase Two) even 23 years. The thematic considerations here override the temporal principle. My "early" work thus may have started early in draft form, but in its main execution and conclusion, with the exception of one or two pieces, Phase One actually is a middle-age rather than youth project, thus deviating crucially from the character of the respective poems and photo series in the same phase.
see also:
Op. | No. | Y.# | Genre | Title
| #M | Begun | Finished | Length | Ext |
Please note that the enumeration results from the date when the writing of the respective piece started. The date given here is the finishing date. As some took longer to finish, this may result in a significant difference between their position in the chronology, determined by the enumeration, and the actual date of finishing.
 June 15, 2022 / ..
