Phil John Kneis:
Eichwalde, November 7th, 1998 - P#87
I. Enraged I am That not I can Yeah see right through - What just then flew Into my mind, Now hides from sight, Cloaks dark itself, Leaps from a shelf Of rocks; once near, Now far in fear - It crashes the ground, Cannot be found Again by me - Too clear I see What not I want, Not to confront, To near not dare, Too much the fare, Too high the cliff, The thoughts too stiff.
II. Enraged I am That all I can Is watch all this, Note an abyss I cannot fight; In all this plight, My hands are bound, My aim not found - Is gone again, All seems in vain, All too far gone, All that seemed won Crashed down from rhyme In just no time To awful dust Where all just must See to itself - No helpful elf Would come to aid - Should I evade?
III. All that was gained, All I sustained, All that seemed right, All truthful plight Of times now past Now will not last - I laugh at them! Where did they stem? They seem so small, Why did I call For aid at times, Where are the lines I used to cross? O won't I toss It all away! But what shalt stay, What has to go? When does it show, When comes the light, When ends the fight?
IV. All that was lost At all that cost, All that was messed And seemed so blessed, All that I passed - Why will that last? What sorrows go With us yeah so, Go right along, Still make us strong And make us weak - A tiny streak Of light comes through - A tiny clue, A riddle's end? A time worth spent? Am stronger I - And stronger why? What do I know - Where do I go?
V. And why I go? Why talk I so? Why speak at all? Why push the wall, Why stop the wind, Why judge from hind? Am I enraged? Or just engaged? What cause I have? Ain't I a slave? Aren't slaves we all? We all will fall - We cannot stay, Can make our way, But in the end Will freeze our hand, Will cold our blood, Will stop its flood, Will stop the heart, We'll have to part.
VI. Am not enraged, The war I waged Turned to myself - I see the shelf Right now again, It's not in vain, I feel it now, A ground to plough, A word to say, A game to play, A book to write - Just make it right. The tasks come clear, Gone now the fear, The things I miss I will not miss Forever then - What I now can Is live once more - And then, to soar.
 April 4th, 1999
