Episode 3x01: The Blessing Way (Pt 2) Category: Grays/Elders/gvmt/abduction · Rating 5 of 5
Contents Synopsis:
Whe Scully is on her way back from New Mexico, she is being stopped and the files are taken by the military, but she doesn't have the DAT disk. When she
checks Mulder's office, the disk is gone. When scanned by the metal detector at the FBI HQ entrance, a small metallic implant that looks like a computer
chip is discovered in Scully's neck. Meanwhile, Mulder is found by the Navajo near the train car under some rocks - he got to the surface via a
tunnel. They care for him, and he undergoes an Indian ritual, the Blessing Way. During his coma/dreams meets his father and Deep Throat. But will recover,
and he speaks to Scully in her dreams. Back in Washington, at Mulder's funeral, Scully is approached by a man who seems to know her (he is called The Well-
Manicured Man). He claims to be a member of a Syndicate that wants to control the future 'by creating it'. He warns her that she will be killed, probably
by someone she knows. Later on, Melissa wants to meet her. When Scully goes to her apartment to meet Melissa, Skinner takes her to Mulder's apartment.
Meanwhile, Melissa is killed by Krycek and another man who thought she was her sister. Back in Mulder's appartment, Scully thinks that Skinner would be the
one who would kill her, so she threatens him with a gun. In that moment, another person enters the room.
Episode 3x02: Paper Clip (Pt 3) Category: Grays/Elders/gvmt/abduction · Rating 5 of 5
Contents Synopsis:
Mulder enters the room. After some initial difficulties, Skinner can explain to them that he has the disk and that he will protect it. Scully and Mulder
meet Victor Klemper, an old Nazi scientist they have identified from a photo. He leads them to an old mining company where they find an archive in which
lots of people are entered, also Scully. Suddenly an outside noise disturbes them, Mulder goes to check it. While he watches kind of a spaceship launching
off, dozens of strange alien creatures cross Scully's path. A sweeper team arrives, but they can escape. They are met by Skinner who tells them that they
should give the tape to CSM. Mulder doesn't like the idea, but Scully wants to visit her sister who's lying in a hospital, guarded by Hosteen. When
they get to Klemper, the meet the Well Manicured Man who tells them about project Paper Clip that brought Nazi scientists to the US in exchange for their
research results. The DAT disk is stolen from Skinner by Krycek and another man. When a car bomb doesn't kill Krycek as it was supposed to, Krycek tells CSM that he would have the DAT tape. - Skinner wants to make a deal with CSM, but CSM says that Skinner is bluffing.
But then Skinner lets Hosteen enter the room, and the Navajo recites the beginning of the files stored on the copy-protected DAT tape. Hosteen had several
other coder talkers memorize the disk too, so Skinner has created a life insurance for his agents. Melissa dies, and Scully was too late.
The best so far, and the show finally has its pace. In this three-parter, great losses had to be endured, and seemingly nothing or just a little was gained. The low-tech resolution is a brilliant anticlimax, reminding me of the resolution of Star Trek TNG's ep. 4.01, 'The Best of Both Worlds, Pt. 2' in its effectivity and simplicity.
 July 7th, 1998 / September 24th, 1999