Episode 2x16: Colony (Pt 1) Category: colony/Samantha · Rating 4 of 5
Contents Synopsis:
Mulder and Scully discover a group of clones, the Gregors. They can shift at least their facial shape, have green blood and are nearly invulnerable. The
only way to kill them is to pierce their neck with something that looks like a long metallic needle. If they are hurt, a gaseous substance that is toxic
for humans leaves their bodies (like that of the fugitive from 1x24 'The Erlenmeyer Flask'). They have been building up a colony, but against official
orders - so they are hunted by a bounty hunter, who is one of their people. Mulder is called home to find his sister Samantha. But meanwhile Scully is
visited by the bounty hunter, who had changed his face into that of Mulder's - while he talks to Scully, the real Mulder calls her over the phone.
Episode 2x17: End Game (Pt 2) Category: colony/Samantha · Rating 4 of 5
Contents Synopsis:
Scully has been kidnapped by the bounty hunter, his price: Samantha. So Mulder and Skinner plan an exchange, but before the sharpshooter can hit the
kidnapper, the bounty hunter jumps from the bridge into the river, dragging Samantha with him; she dies. So Mulder has to inform his father that he - again
- has lost his sister. But then he visits the location Samantha gave him, and he meets her again - and again: There is a group of Samantha-clones who tell
him that all of this had been a plot to make him protect them. But then the bounty hunter arrives, he's knocked down, the clones are gone. X gives him the
location of the hunter's submarine in the arctic. He finds him, but loses control. The bounty hunter lets him live, but leaves him on the ice, infected
by some unknown disease. Scully recovers him (Skinner has to get the information about Mulder's whereabouts from X) and rescues her partner. Science
allows her to do so.
These two episodes tell an interesting story which also introduces the Bounty Hunter, but they somehow didn't meet my expectations. There are some great moments in them, but it dosn't have the intensity of comparable episodes.
 July 7th, 1998 / September 24th, 1999