Introduction: Group 8: Artifices
"Artifices" intends to move inward, completing the zooming-in tendency as already outlined from the succession of "Voyages" to "Places" to "Façades": the scope is becoming smaller, and certain threads are carried within, not only within space but time: A-temporalities and a-localities constitute the main focus of this group.
Within artificial surroundings and amongst artificial arrangements and evidence turned artifice, fact turned fiction, people become artifices themselves, strangely arranged in a fictionalized surrounding. They become extras, lost in the overflow of data surrounding them. Images of people are contrasted with images of images of people; as much as images of buildings and cultural artifacts etc. The world as such is seen as a stage, a both deliberate and accidental but definitely artificial construction.
The text formed by the assortment and arrangement of animate and inanimate objects can be read as any other written text, and it shall be construed as such. Language, signs, is yet another element depicted within this group, forming a deliberate connection to my poems. Language is not fixed, it is not homogeneous, it is a chaotic arrangement influenced by different sources and interpretations. The text of civilization is shown as a post-anything construction fusing together elements of place, time, and people.
All photographs in this group have been taken with a digital camera.
 June 25th, 2002
