Introduction: Group 7: Passions
"Passions" continues "Faces" - again the focus are persons, but this time with a more topical sub-plot: The main emphasis will lie on emotionality, on passion.
Unlike with "Faces", the series in this group are supposed to center on a close surrounding and a close set of persons - the protagonists of the series will be a small group, not like in "Faces" random images of people passing or passed by. Again I'm looking more for spontaneous utterances, and less for postures. The scope is on the persons in the action they perform, on the passion they bring to the things they do.
The second thread will be the impact certain events may have on persons, and the passionate/impassionate motivations behind those events.
All photographs in this group have been taken with a digital camera.
 December 20th, 2001 / June 25th, 2002