Introduction: Group 1: Elements
"Elements" is an approach to the four classical elements of fire, air, water and earth through eight categories trying to depict properties of said elements in the world surrounding us. "Elements" is also a way of showing aspects I want to discuss via my photography. These are e.g. the romantic and the sublime; the artificial vs. the natural, and the natural in the artificial; contrasts, especially of colors; and also, sometimes, the quest for a painting-like quality of a specific moment.
"Elements" constitutes the first group of my photographs, to a large degree, it is rather experimental.
All photographs have been taken with a normal tourist's camera.
The entire group has undergone a major cut on 09/15/01, trimming it down to almost half the original size to overcome some lengths and repetitions, especially within Structures and Trees, and to take out some bad quality photographs in Death, Ice and Skies. Earth, Sea and Spirit remained unchanged. Though this at first seemed to be against my general philosophy for this site, I decided in favor of the cut nevertheless, to save a group which had by far become too disorderly and undisciplined. Quality doesn't necessarily come with quantity, but with restricting your outbursts. Control can be a good thing sometimes.
 June 20th / September 15th, 2001
