Earth, though the basis of all life, is rarely portrayed as the substance, the ground as such, it is most frequently rather shown in submission to plant or animal life, or as a carrier for human-made structures.
Earth, in contrast to water, is solid, yet it also is subject to change, it is not constant, it underlies constant alteration with the flow of the seasons, or the weather, or other natural or human influences. Earth can rarely be seen as the wild element it is, for most it is only visible as a "cultivated" and enslaved area, constructed to be yielding fruit, and, strangely, often only in this construction being able to lie bare, to be visible, unmasked by vegetation.
Earth, an element of life, is intended to be shown as an entity of its own, but also in a vulnerated, subjugated state. The focus of this series are neither beauty nor romantic imagery, it is a "plain" perspective, as unmasked as possible.
The series has been started in 2001, the pictures have been taken with a pretty ordinary camera, no fancy stuff.
 June 3rd/14th, 2001
