The Kid (2000)Directed by Jon Turteltaub · Rating: 9 of 10 
Summary: Truly enjoyable
Bruce Willis seems to be doing an awful lot of movies with kids lately; however, each single one of those is different. Now it's neither action nor horror, it's a story about growing up - about the kid within.
As this is a Disney film, don't expect too much of a conflict - but within its limitations, the movie succeeds in telling its story in an affectionate and humorous way. Willis is brilliant, once again, and so is his child counterpart. The absurdity of the premise, as well as its solution are being made plausible, somehow, through accepting the unacceptable, and through adding even further oddities on the way. In the end, the film is an utterly pleasing and truly enjoyable meeting with the inner child.
 December 5th, 2000
