2nd Question:Via what Institutions is Germany being perceived? Which role is played by known intermediaries like Goethe Institutes, the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations, Inter Nationes, DAAD, Schools Abroad?
(The following descriptions are taken from the respective official web sites)
The Goethe-Institut is a worldwide, non-profit, semi-private organization promoting the German language and culture. It is partially funded by the Foreign Ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen e.V. (Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations, http://www.ifa.de)
The Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen e.V. (Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations) is active in the field of German foreign cultural politics, sustaining a dialogue with partners in Germany and abroad. This work is geared to promoting peaceful relationships and mutual understanding between cultures and nations by way of international cultural cooperation. The Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen therefore specially focuses on art, the humanities and education in the service of international understanding.
Inter Nationes is a private, but publicly funded institution for cultural, social and political communication between Germany and foreign countries in the media area. Our aim is to provide information about Germany to roughly 50,000 partners abroad in a objective, realistic and diversified way. The intention is thus to deepen people's understanding of developments in Germany, as well as to facilitate contacts with institutions in our country. The main target groups of Inter Nationes are institutions from the educational and scientific fields, representatives of the media, politics and culture, as well as decision-makers within society.
DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Auslandsdienst(http://www2.daad.de)
The DAAD is an institution for the promotion of international academic exchanges.
Further Links:
Study Abroad - Auslandsschulen:
German Culture:
Politics - State Dept. / Auswärtiges Amt:
German Embassies: